Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks

Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks
Dan Bross is a reporter at KUAC in Fairbanks.

Two Hikers Rescued from Mt. Healy

Two hikers are safe after getting lost on Mt. Healy near Denali National Park. The Park Service reports that the women headed out Tuesday night from the Parks Highway with plans to head up Bison Gulch, to the top of Mt. Healy and possibly on to Savage River.

NOAA Calls for Creation of Climate Change Agency

A longtime National Weather Service meteorologist is pushing for a new sister agency focused on predicting climate change.

Weak King Salmon Run Results in Restrictions

The King run on the Yukon River is weak. State Arctic Yukon Kuskokwim Regional Management Supervisor Dan Bergstrum says the Department of Fish and Game has been assessing the early run since the first pulse of kings began moving upriver a week ago.

UAF Scientist Offers New Insight into Comet and Planet Formations

A University of Alaska Fairbanks scientist is helping shape our understanding of the formation of the solar system. Don Hampton, the optical science manager at Poker Flat Research Range is part of team analyzing images of a comet taken by a NASA spacecraft.

Ft. Wainwright Soldier Dies After Injuries from IED

A 19-year-old soldier from central Wisconsin is dead and two other soldiers wounded after their Stryker vehicle hit an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan.

Firefighter Injured Working Hastings Wildfire

A fire fighter working the Hastings wild fire was injured when a tree fell on him Thursday night. Incident Commander Tom Kurth says the man, from a Mt. Hood, Oregon-based crew, was working the 23,000 acre burn north of Fairbanks, when the large fire weakened tree came down.

Some Concerned Tanana River Bridge May Hinder Other Projects

There’s concern that big dollar funding for the Tanana River bridge at Salcha will cost Fairbanks money for other transportation projects.

UAA Professor Urges Better Management of Oil Reserves

A University of Alaska professor says there’s a lot of value remaining in proven North Slope oil reserves, but the state needs to do a better job preparing for the future.

Copper River Salmon Return Slows Down

The Copper River red salmon return has slowed down after a big start. This year’s run is predicted to be a little over 2 million sockeye, on the high side of the 10-year-average.

Crews Focus on Containing Hastings Wildfire

As the weather provides a break in wildfire activity, managers of the Hasting’s Fire response north of Fairbanks are taking the opportunity to make sure the 23,000 acre burn doesn’t flare back up when the weather dries out.

First Surge of King Salmon Enter Yukon River

The first major surge of king salmon is believed to be entering the Yukon River. The Chinook run is expected to be weak, and fishery managers have eliminated one of two weekly-subsistence fishing periods at the river’s mouth to try to get more early-run fish upstream.

‘Friends of the Children’ Eyes Fairbanks for Newest Branch

A national child mentoring program is eyeing Fairbanks for its newest branch. Duncan Campbell, founder of the Philadelphia-based nonprofit “Friends of the Children”, is in Fairbanks meeting with community members to gauge local support for the program for at-risk kids.

Ice Alaska Aims for ‘Disneyland of the North’

The World Ice Carving Exhibitor’s Association is poised close on purchase of a new venue for the annual ice art championships and kids park in Fairbanks.

Wildfire Calms Under Wet Weather

The big wild fire north of Fairbanks has calmed down with recent showery, cool weather. The Hastings fire has been burning for two weeks, but its growth has slowed in recent days.

EPA Won’t Block Bridge Crossing Tanana River

The Environmental Protection Agency will not hold up an Army Corps of Engineers permit for an Alaska Railroad bridge across the Tanana River. The EPA had objected to the proposed bridge’s location at Salcha due to fish passage and other concerns, but according to a statement from Northwest Regional Administrator Dennis McClerran the agency will not seek a national level review of the Army Corps' permit.

Frustrations Over Hastings Wildfire Rising

Cooler, wetter weather has allowed crews battling the Hastings wildfire, north of Fairbanks, to make headway. Progress is reported on line construction on the over 24,000 acres.

Hastings Fire Expected to Increase

A large acreage increase is expected when the Hastings wildfire north of Fairbanks, is re-mapped. Fire Information officer Tacy Skinner says weather condition caused major activity overnight Tuesday. UPDATE: The Interagency Incident Management Team mapped the fire Wednesday night at 24,069 acres.

Public Input Wanted for Road to Umiat

The Army Corps of Engineers is taking public input on the state’s proposed road to Umiat. A series of meetings beginning tonight in Fairbanks seek comment as part of the scoping progress for an environmental impact statement.

Officials Add Proactive Restrictions on King Salmon

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game is being proactive in anticipation of another weak king salmon return to the Yukon River. No angling will be allowed for king salmon on the main stem of the Yukon.

Fairbanks City Council Votes to Stop Fluoridation of Water System

The Fairbanks City Council has voted to stop adding fluoride to the municipal water system. The move follows a lengthy investigation by a council-appointed task force of experts.