Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks

Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks
Dan Bross is a reporter at KUAC in Fairbanks.

Both Sides React to Wilde Decision

The ruling in the Jim Wilde case likely will not be the end of a dispute over regulation of state owned waters inside Alaska National Parks. Wilde’s attorney Bill Satterberg will not comment on the specifics of the case, or a possible appeal, until after Wilde’s Oct. 28 sentencing.

Report Faults UAF in Musk Oxen Deaths

A U.S. Department of Agriculture report blames the University of Alaska Fairbanks for the death of a dozen musk oxen at the University’s Large Animal Research Station last fall.

Fairbanks Hatchery May Go into Operation in December

The state’s new sport fish hatchery in Fairbanks could go into operation by December. The behind schedule and over budget facility has been plagued by problems with a water treatment system that has failed to work at high water flows.

Congressman Young Says War in Afghanistan Can’t Be Won

Today marks the 10th anniversary of the start of the war in Afghanistan, a mission that has cost nearly 18 hundred American lives, and many struggle to justify. Alaska Congressman Don Young has always opposed the war, he says America cannot win.

Fairbanks Voters Reject Air Quality Proposition

A Fairbanks ballot proposition aimed at reducing wintertime fine particulate pollution failed at the ballot box. In unofficial results from yesterday’s municipal election, 60 percent of voters said no to the Healthy Air Protection Act.

Longtime Fairbanks Pilot Honored

An Alaska aviation legend is being honored for a lifetime of service. A new east ramp entrance at Fairbanks Airport was recently dedicated to Cliff Everts, and as KUAC’s Dan Bross reports the longtime Fairbanks pilot got special recognition again last week.

Rare Earth Meeting Draws Large Crowd

A meeting on rare earth minerals drew a big crowd in Fairbanks on Friday. The state sponsored Strategic and Critical Minerals Summit brought together government, industry and research officials to discuss Alaska’s rare earth potential.

Officials Celebrate Groundbreaking of Tanana River Bridge

Officials celebrated the start of construction of a bridge across the Tanana River at Salcha Wednesday. As KUAC’s Dan Bross reports, the event marked the first phase of a project important to the state and military.

Rep. Young Considers Introducing Bill Rolling Back Regulations from Past 20 Years

Representative Don Young wants to roll back all federal regulations enacted in the last 20 years. Young says the bill he wants to introduce would start a process of sorting out burdensome and costly regulations.

Fairbanks Borough Schools Working to Resolve Budget Challenges

Fairbanks Borough schools are facing a budget challenge. That was one of the messages from North Star Borough District Superintendent Pete Lewis in a “state of the schools” address to the Fairbanks Chamber of commerce Tuesday.

Army Reports Second Stryker Death This Week

The Army is reporting the death of another Ft. Wainwright based soldier in Afghanistan, the second this week. U.S. Army Alaska officials say Sgt. Timothy Douglas Sayne of Reno, Nevada was killed Sunday by a roadside bomb in Kandahar Province.

Project Guttenberg Carries on Tradition

The head of the Arctic Region Supercomputing Center is carrying on the legacy of the man who created the electronic book.  ARSC Director Greg Newby is volunteer head of Project Guttenberg, a non-profit organization...

Fairbanks Voters Consider Air Quality Ballot Proposition

Fairbanks Borough voters will consider a ballot proposition aimed at reducing wintertime fine particulate pollution. A public meeting on the proposition was held Monday. As KUAC’s Dan Bross reports, the measure targets emissions from wood and coal fired heaters.

Australian Company to Explore “Deep Coal” in Alaska

An Australian Company wants to explore deep coal resources in Alaska. As KUAC’s Dan Bross reports, the proposal is aimed at coal too far underground to mine.

UAF Receives Large Gift From Mining Company for Endowment

The University of Alaska Fairbanks has received another large gift from a mining company. Sumitomo, the company that runs the Pogo Gold Mine near Delta Junction, Thursday presented UAF with check for a little over $1 million.

Stryker Brigade Expresses Condolences For Soldiers Killed, Injured in Afghanistan

The commander of Ft. Wainwright Stryker Brigade is expressing condolences for soldiers killed and injured in Afghanistan, but says the unit is making progress.  Colonel Todd Wood spoke with reporters via teleconference from Afghanistan...

State’s Agricultural Research Center May Be Cut

Ongoing Congressional negotiations will determine the fate of many federal programs with a presence in Alaska. Among items proposed for cuts by the President and Congress are 10 Department of Agriculture research centers, including Alaska’s.

Long-Distance Hiker Shares Adventures, Knowledge

Long distance hiker Andrew Skurka is back in Alaska sharing his adventures and knowledge. Skurka skied, hiked and paddled a 4,700 miles loop around Alaska and the Yukon territory in six months last year.

Alaska Firefighters Help Out With Lower 48 Fires

Alaska fire fighters have headed to the Lower 48 to help with wild fires and other natural disasters. Alaska Fire Service spokesman Doug Stockdale says 133 overhead personnel, seven fire crews and two aircraft from Alaska have been deployed south to assist with incidents in 11 states.

NPS Ups Denali, Foraker Climbing Fees

The National Park Service is upping the fee for climbing Denali and Mt. Foraker. The price hike is aimed at re-cooping the cost of managing mountaineering on the high peaks.