Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks

Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks
Dan Bross is a reporter at KUAC in Fairbanks.

Airports Prove Vital to State Economy

Alaska Airports are key drivers of the state’s economy and an area for growth. That’s the message of Deputy Commissioner of Aviation Steve Hatter. Hatter was in Fairbanks for a quarterly meeting of the Governor’s Aviation Advisory Board, and also spoke to the Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce.

Industrial Solvent May Be Subject of Federal Study

An industrial solvent that contaminated ground water in an area of North Pole may be the subject of a federal study. Sulfolane, has been nominated by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation for study under the National Toxicology Program.

UA Aims to Start New Program to Help Students Graduate on Time

The University of Alaska’s operating and capital budgets will be on the agenda on Wednesday for a UA Board of Regents meeting in Fairbanks.

Judge to Decide on Fairbanks Redistricting Petition

A state judge will decide this week on the Fairbanks Borough’s petition to dismiss its challenge to the proposed new state voter district map. The Borough Assembly voted to drop the suit in an executive session earlier this month, citing concerns about mounting legal costs.

Fairbanks Ghost Hunters Tracking the Paranormal

Today’s the day to be on the lookout for ghosts but for members of a Fairbanks group, seeking out apparitions is a year round hobby. As KUAC’s Dan Bross reports the local ghost hunters are serious about tracking the paranormal.

CDC Weighs in on Particulate Pollution Health Effects

The Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has weighed in on health effects of fine particulate pollution. Atlanta based CDC officials were in Fairbanks last night for an air quality forum.

Japan Airlines Increasing Alaska Flights

Japan Airlines is increasing its flights to Alaska this winter. JAL is going from 12 last year to 18. That’s still short of the airline’s 2009 peak of 19 Alaska flights.

High Tech Maps Help Assess Potential LNG Pipeline Routes

The state is releasing high tech survey data for proposed gas pipeline routes. The Division of Geological and Geographical Survey’s project employed Light Detection and Ranging technology.

Many Turn Out for Hearing on Proposed ANWR Management Plan

There was a big turn-out in Fairbanks on Wednesday for a hearing on a draft management plan for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Tanker Truck Rolls Over, Spills Fuel in Fairbanks

A tanker truck rolled on an icy road in Fairbanks yesterday and caused a fuel spill. Snow and freezing rain coated local roads, and there were numerous accidents across the region.

Suit Challenging Redistricting Plan Moves Forward

A suit challenging Alaska’ proposed new voting district map is moving ahead, despite federal approval of the redistricting plan. The Fairbanks North Star borough, two local residents, and the city of Petersburg have sued to halt the plan.

Debate Continues Over State Retirement Plan Options

The debate over state retirement plan options continued in Fairbanks on Thursday. Legislators will consider a bill next session that would allow public employees, like teachers and fire fighters to choose between the current 401k type retirement account and a traditional pension.

Army Investigating Death of Ft. Wainwright-Based Soldier

The Army is investigating the death of a Ft. Wainwright based soldier, trying to determine if it was murder or suicide.

Search Continues for Missing Fairbanks Man

The search continues for a Fairbanks man missing northeast of the city. Gerald DeBerry was last seen Monday riding a 4 wheeler in the Frozen Foot Creek area, near mile 70 of the Steese highway.

Speed Skater Training in Fairbanks Despite Lack of Venue

The season of snow and ice in Fairbanks has people thinking about skiing, and dog mushing but one Fairbanks resident is quietly pursuing a winter sport that doesn’t get much attention in Alaska.

Both Sides React to Wilde Decision

The ruling in the Jim Wilde case likely will not be the end of a dispute over regulation of state owned waters inside Alaska National Parks. Wilde’s attorney Bill Satterberg will not comment on the specifics of the case, or a possible appeal, until after Wilde’s Oct. 28 sentencing.

Report Faults UAF in Musk Oxen Deaths

A U.S. Department of Agriculture report blames the University of Alaska Fairbanks for the death of a dozen musk oxen at the University’s Large Animal Research Station last fall.

Fairbanks Hatchery May Go into Operation in December

The state’s new sport fish hatchery in Fairbanks could go into operation by December. The behind schedule and over budget facility has been plagued by problems with a water treatment system that has failed to work at high water flows.

Congressman Young Says War in Afghanistan Can’t Be Won

Today marks the 10th anniversary of the start of the war in Afghanistan, a mission that has cost nearly 18 hundred American lives, and many struggle to justify. Alaska Congressman Don Young has always opposed the war, he says America cannot win.

Fairbanks Voters Reject Air Quality Proposition

A Fairbanks ballot proposition aimed at reducing wintertime fine particulate pollution failed at the ballot box. In unofficial results from yesterday’s municipal election, 60 percent of voters said no to the Healthy Air Protection Act.