Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks

Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks
Dan Bross is a reporter at KUAC in Fairbanks.

Fairbanks Assembly Axes CHIPS Ordinance

The Fairbanks North Star Borough assembly shot down an ordinance Thursday night that would have paid people $30 a day not to burn wood when air quality is poor. Download Audio

Interactive Map Lays Out Alaska Earthquake Potential

A new interactive map lays out the earthquake potential across Alaska. The online map uses a color coded system to identify locations that have experienced earthquakes. Download Audio

Japanese Students Visit Fairbanks On Cultural Exchange

A school group from earthquake and tsunami ravaged cities in Japan visited Fairbanks over the weekend. The Japanese government sponsored cultural exchange includes 26 high school students and their teachers. Download Audio

Researcher Completes Study Of Interior Agriculture

Interior Alaska farmers are losing money, but there’s hope for the industry. That’s the conclusion of a nationally recognized agricultural researcher who recently completed a study of Fairbanks area farming. Download Audio

Mush And Ski Championships Wrap Up In Fairbanks

It was big weekend for dogsled and ski racing in Fairbanks.

Tanana Chiefs Conference Convention In Fairbanks

The Tanana Chiefs Conference annual convention is happening in Fairbanks this week. Tuesday, delegates heard from four Interior men, the organization believes were wrongly convicted of murder. The men known as “The Fairbanks 4”: George Frese, Kevin Pease, Marvin Roberts and Eugene Vent are serving long prison sentences for the 1997 beating death of teenager John Hartman in downtown Fairbanks. It’s a case that’s long drawn questions.

Alaskans Impress At Junior Nordic Ski Nationals

The junior national cross country ski championships are happening in Fairbanks this week. Several Alaska skiers posted top performances yesterday.

State Proposes Land Sale In Central Area

The state is proposing a land sale in the Central area. The Department of Natural Resources is taking public comment on the 600 acre subdivision about a mile and half northeast of Central. D.N.R. Northern region land sales manager Timothy Shilling says the land was identified for sale under a management plan that classified it for private recreation.

Fairbanks School District Proposes $262 Million Operating Budget

A citizen review committee has weighed in on the proposed Fairbanks North Star Borough school district budget for next year. The over $262 million operating budget represents a 1 percent increase over the current year. The district anticipates a funding short fall and has proposed teacher cuts the citizen committee disagrees with.

Service Allows Fairbanks Residents To Share More Info With Emergency Responders

A new service allows Fairbanks North Star Borough residents to share information that emergency responders can access. Fairbanks is the first community in Alaska to subscribe to Smart 911, a national service that enables dispatchers to access caller submitted profiles.

Fairbanks Neighborhood Air Quality Improves After Wood Boilers Shut Down

Air quality in a Fairbanks neighborhood is dramatically cleaner following a court order that shutdown two wood fired boilers.

Huslia Program Gets Kids Mushing

The Junior North American sled dog championships are underway in North Pole.  Among young mushers competing is a group of middle and high school students who flew in with their dogs from an interior village to race.

New Crude Oil Agreement Signed Between State, Flint Hills

The state would continue to supply the Flint Hills North Pole Refinery with crude oil under a proposed new contract. The state of Alaska has sold royalty oil to Flint Hills for the last three decades, an arrangement state and company officials say is mutually beneficial.

Tanana Chiefs Conference Discusses Yukon Chinook Stocks

The Tanana Chiefs Conference has gathered leaders from interior Alaska Native villages in Fairbanks to talk about Yukon River salmon. There’s frustration with the depressed state of Yukon River Chinook stocks.

State Sets Contamination Threshold For Sulfolane

The state has set a contamination threshold for sulfolane in North Pole ground water. The standard reflects years of research on the chemical which has polluted the aquifer in an area surrounding a local oil refinery.

NPS Considers Increasing Winter Vehicle Access Into Denali National Park

The National Park Service is considering increasing winter vehicle access into Denali National Park. The agency is taking public comment on proposals to plowing farther out the road. Park spokeswoman Kris Fister says access would be increased beyond the mile 3 visitor center where plowing currently stops.

Exxon, Rosneft Sign Agreement To Work In Russian Arctic

Exxon Mobil and Russian national oil company Rosneft have signed an agreement to extract oil and gas from the Russian Arctic. According to information posted on Exxon’s website, the deal covers 600,000 square kilometers in the Chukchi, Laptev and Kara Seas.

Parnell Says Fairbanks LNG Trucking Project Is Must-Pass Legislation

Governor Sean Parnell says funding for a Fairbanks natural gas trucking project is must pass legislation this session. Speaking to the Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, Parnell said bills to fund the interior energy project have to be dealt with before legislators go home this spring.

Researchers Successfully Launch Rocket From Poker Flat

A research rocket was successfully launched from Poker Flat north of Fairbanks last week. The 67 foot high 11 thousand pound rocket was launched into the upper atmosphere February 6th.

Expedition To Mark 100th Anniversary Of Conquest Of Denali

A group of descendants of the first men to summit Denali plan to climb the mountain on the 100th anniversary of their forbearers historic ascent. This week they announced the project with a press conference at St. Mathews Episcopal Church in Fairbanks, the same location where the 1913 expedition was launched.