Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks

Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks
Dan Bross is a reporter at KUAC in Fairbanks.

Interior Tourism Expecting Boost In 2015

More visitors are expected to head to Fairbanks in 2015. Interior tourism operators got a preview of prospects for the upcoming season during a recent conference in Fairbanks. Most of the expected visitor increase is tied to cruise ship and airline industry changes. Download Audio

Alaska Railroad Seeks Approval To Move LNG

The Alaska Railroad is among a few across the country seeking first ever approval to transport liquefied natural gas. Download Audio

Lawmakers Skeptical Of State’s Plan To Buy Fairbanks Natural Gas Utility

Governor Bill Walker’s latest move to advance the state backed Interior Energy Project with the purchase of a private natural gas utility is expected to expand availability and lower the price of gas in Fairbanks. Download Audio

Cook Inlet Gas Considered To Relieve Interior Alaska’s Energy Costs

State and local leaders are trying to determine if natural gas from Cook Inlet gas is viable option for Interior’s need for a lower cost, cleaner energy source. At issue are some of the same costs that derailed an earlier focus to bring in North Slope gas. Download Audio

Park Service Considers Banning Some Pack Animals

The National Park Service is out with an annual list of temporary restrictions and rules, and one of the proposed regulations would ban certain types of pack animals from parks. Download Audio

Bill Would Set Up Compensation Program For Wrongfully Convicted

Fairbanks Democratic State Representative Scott Kawasaki has pre-filed a bill that would set up a system for compensating people wrongfully convicted of crimes. Download Audio

UAF Anticipates Cutting Over 200 Jobs

The University of Alaska Fairbanks anticipates cutting between 200 and 250 jobs this year. That from UAF Chancellor Brian Rogers, who in an address to the Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce yesterday focused on the affect of slumping oil prices on state funding for the university. Download Audio

New Regulations Unlikely To Change Coal Ash Disposal In Alaska

The Environmental Protection Agency recently issued the first ever federal standards for the disposal of coal ash by electric utilities. The toxin containing ash has gotten national attention in recent years due to spills in the Lower 48, but the situation is different in Alaska. Download Audio

Alaska Skiers Placing Well In National Championships

Alaska skiers continue to post top results at the U.S. cross country ski championships in Michigan. Download Audio

UAF To Field Wildfire Crew

The University of Alaska Fairbanks will field a wildfire fighting crew. The tram will be staffed by students in a wild land fire science program. Download Audio

Poor Air Quality Raising Health Concerns In Fairbanks

Areas of Fairbanks and North Pole suffered poor air quality this a week as cold stagnant air allowed smoke from wood burning and other combustion to accumulate. The situation is nothing new and the focus of state and local plan to clean up the air. Fine particulate pollution is a known health hazard, and that’s confirmed in a locally produced report. Download Audio

UAF Shooting Death Ruled Suicide

A shooting death at the University of Alaska Fairbanks earlier this month has been ruled a suicide. Download Audio

Orphan Bear Cubs Find A Home Outside

A permanent home has been secured for two black bear cubs rescued last month. The animals are being temporarily housed at the Alaska Zoo in Anchorage, but they’ll soon be headed Outside. Listen now:

University President: Budget Cuts Will Require Downsizing to ‘Core’ Missions

University of Alaska President Pat Gamble is anticipating budget cuts that will force the institution to downsize, and focus on its core missions. Gamble plans to retire at the end of the 2015 school year, but he’s looking beyond his tenure to help the university prepare for the future. Download Audio

Governor Walker Shares Upbeat Message With Fairbanks

Governor Bill Walker is striking an optimistic tone despite tanking oil prices that are reducing state revenue. Speaking to the Fairbanks Chamber of Commerce Tuesday, Walker pointed to opportunity. Download Audio

UA President Announces Retirement Date

University of Alaska President Pat Gamble will step down at the end school year. Vice President of University relations, Carla Beam says Gamble announced his plan to retire June 1st 2015, to UA Regents, during an executive session Friday. Download Audio

EPA To Use North Pole Air Data

The Fairbanks area continues to struggle with fine particulate pollution from wood smoke and other sources. Wintertime air inversions trap emissions at ground level, dropping air quality below federal Clean Air Act standards. Much of the North Star Borough is classified a federal non-attainment area by the Environmental Protection Agency, based on air quality monitoring in Fairbanks, but the EPA plans to begin using monitoring data from North Pole, where pollution is typically much worse. Download Audio

University of Alaska Regents Approve Tobacco Ban

The University of Alaska Board of Regents has approved a policy banning smoking and other tobacco use on its campuses statewide. Download Audio

‘Sandbar Mitchell’ Restoration Takes New Approach

Restoration of a World War II bomber salvaged from a Tanana River sandbar will benefit from a similar relic in Nome. Some of the parts needed to restore the plane known as “Sandbar Mitchell” will be come from another B-25 that crashed in Nome over 70 years ago. Download Audio

DEC Gets Feedback on Fairbanks Air Quality Plan

State Department of Environmental Conservation officials have been in Fairbanks this week sharing information and taking public feedback on a plan for getting the area into compliance with federal air quality standards. Download Audio