Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks

Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks
Dan Bross is a reporter at KUAC in Fairbanks.

UAF hosting international Arctic conference

An international seminar on extractive industries in the Arctic is happening at the University of Alaska Fairbanks this weekend. UAF history professor and seminar organizer Terrance Cole says it’s bringing together participants from numerous circumpolar nations to discuss the increasing focus on developing the Arctic’s largely untapped resources.

Fairbanks gets first major snow; braces for reduced maintenance

Fairbanks got its first major snowfall of the season Friday. As usual, drivers are counting on the state to plow and sand highways and some side roads, but budget cuts mean reduced maintenance. The downsized operation is expected to be tested this winter.

New dinosaur species discovered in Alaska

A new dinosaur species has been discovered in Alaska. Bones of the plant eating Hadrosaur were excavated by researchers working in a known fossil rich zone north of the Brooks Range.

Hearings start on fighter jets coming to Eielson

Local hearings are happening this week on the planned basing of 54 F-35 fighter jets at Eielson Air Force Base. The sessions, in North Pole, Delta and Fairbanks, provide opportunity to comment on a draft Environmental Impact Statement on the basing plan.

In Fairbanks, Equinox Marathon runners slog along for Usher syndrome

Fairbanks annual Equinox Marathon is Saturday. A hilly, mostly off road course and wet, cool weather make the race a challenge, but a few participants in this year’s event are battling a much tougher foe. Download Audio

AIDEA inches closer to choosing an Interior fuel supplier

The Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority will select a partner for the Interior Energy Project by the end of the year. Download Audio

UAF looks to contractor for cleaner water supply

An ongoing water quality issue at the University of Alaska Fairbanks has prompted the university to commit to an outside water source. Download Audio

Air China to service Fairbanks for Aurora viewers

A Chinese airline will bring winter visitors to Fairbanks. The city's tourism director says the flights which are already fully booked are primarily aimed at visitors coming to Fairbanks for Aurora viewing. Download Audio

Shots fired in chase, stand-off with Troopers near North Pole

Alaska State Troopers and Fairbanks Police exchanged fire with two men following a vehicle chase on the south side of Fairbanks on Wednesday morning. Download Audio

UA president: More downsizing on the horizon

The process of downsizing the University of Alaska continues. Decreased state tax revenue because of low crude oil prices has resulted in less money for the university and there’s no sign of that changing. The focus of the university’s reorganization is shifting. Download Audio

Vets vent about poor VA care during listening sessions in Fairbanks, Kenai

Alaska military veterans testified yesterday at listening sessions in Kenai and Fairbanks about problems accessing federally funded health care benefits. Interior veterans shared concerns specific to the Veterans Choice Act, as well as more general issues about working with the Veterans Administration. Download Audio

Potentially exonerating info leaked in Fairbanks Four case

Statements undermining murder convictions of the so called “Fairbanks Four” were briefly published in an on line Fairbanks Daily News-Miner article. The web story, which was quickly taken down by the paper today, shares leaked court documents outlining long sealed statements about the 1997 murder of John Hartman. Download Audio

Flint Hills refinery asks for looser cleanup standards

Flint Hills continues to push for a less stringent standard for removal of a spilled chemical from groundwater at the company’s shuttered North Pole refinery. Removal of the industrial solvent sulfolane is costing the refinery a lot of money, and opinions differ on how clean groundwater should be. Download Audio

Yukon king run shows signs of recovery

Chinook salmon continue to swim up the Yukon River, the latest indication that the long ailing run may have turned a corner toward recovery. Download Audio

24 Apache Choppers To Nest At Ft. Wainwright

The first U.S. Army apache helicopters to be based in Alaska are scheduled to arrive at Fort Wainwright this week. They're part of a new unit that will include 24 helicopters and 400 soldiers. Download Audio

Doyon Announces New Oil & Gas Prospect Near Nenana

Doyon plans to drill another oil and gas exploration well in the Nenana area. It will be the third the company has sunk into the oil and gas rich basin.

AG Rejects Cook Inlet Gas Facility Sale, Calls for Revision

Alaska Attorney General Craig Richards has rejected the proposed sale of a Cook Inlet natural gas processing facility that’s targeted for expansion to produce more gas for Fairbanks. Download Audio

AIDEA Shares Info On 16 Interior Energy Project Proposals

The Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority has released some details on proposals to supply natural gas to the Interior Energy Project. Download Audio

Open Call for Gas Supply Proposals Closes

The deadline for proposals to supply the State lead Interior Energy Project with natural gas was Monday. The Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority is managing the project, and AIDEA spokesman Karsten Rodvik says the state corporation is considering a range of possibilities for getting affordable gas to the Interior. Download Audio

Proposed Cantwell Hydro Projects Draw Skepticism

Small hydro-electric projects proposed for the Cantwell area are receiving a mixed response. The proposals outlined at a public meeting this week include both dam and river diversion projects. Download Audio