Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks

Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks
Dan Bross is a reporter at KUAC in Fairbanks.

2 Alaska newspapers sold to foundation

The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner is being sold. The newspaper reports that a non-profit foundation created by the late wife of the paper’s founder Charles W. Snedden is purchasing the News-Miner. Download Audio

Interior Energy Project loses GVEA business to Petro Star

Golden Valley Electric Association is favoring oil over natural gas to fuel large generators in North Pole. The move reduces the utility's role as an anchor tenant for the state-backed Interior Energy Project. Download Audio

Village of Beaver narrowly keeps its school, for now

The Interior village of Beaver’s school will remain open, despite a below-par student count this fall. Download Audio

IEP tests LNG tanker for safety on Alaska roads

A liquefied natural gas tanker truck is being tested for possible future use by the Interior Energy Project. Download Audio

Fairbanks 4 settlement: Say you’re guilty and go

The settlement proposed by attorneys representing the Fairbanks Four and the state of Alaska would free George Frese, Kevin Pease and Eugene Vent. Marvin Roberts is already out on parole. Download Audio

Two Interior Energy Project proposals under consideration

The Interior Energy Project remains focused on getting natural gas to the region at long targeted price point. IEP team leader Bob Shefchik says proposals being considered from 2 vying project partners would provide gas to customers at a price equivalent to 2 dollar heating oil.

Denali wolf numbers up slightly

A fall count of Denali National Park wolves indicates a slight rebound of the predator’s depressed population in the park. The overall population remains near a 30-year low, and fewer visitors report seeing the animals. Download Audio

Tesoro’s Flint Hills acquisition expected to streamline petroleum distribution

Tesoro’s pending acquisition of Flint Hill’s fuel distribution and marketing operations in Fairbanks, North Pole and Anchorage, will streamline the transportation of refined petroleum products from Southcentral to the Interior. Download Audio

Fairbanks snowmachiner survives avalanche burial

A Fairbanks man survived burial by an avalanche in the HooDoo Mountains. The accident in the popular snowmachining area near Summit Lake off the Richardson Highway was the one of two in recent weeks. Download Audio

UAF rehearses for active shooter event

The University of Alaska Fairbanks is training employees how to respond to a workplace violence. Download Audio

State asks EPA to split Fairbanks and North Pole

The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation is requesting that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency no longer consider Fairbanks and North Pole together when it comes to air quality regulation. If approved, the change could free Fairbanks from more stringent emissions regulations.

North Pole police launch new anti-theft program

The North Pole Police Department is launching a program aimed at combating a persistent theft problem in the city. North Pole Police Chief Steve Dutra has introduced the “Anti-Theft Dot” system that helps with recovery of stolen items.

DEC asks for Fairbanks, North Pole air to be evaluated separately

The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation is requesting that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency no longer consider Fairbanks and North Pole together when it comes to air quality regulation.

Fairbanks building awaits demolition… or revitalization?

A group of Fairbanks city leaders are working to find money to demolish the Polaris building. They’ve grown frustrated awaiting action on the deteriorating downtown high rise. Download Audio

Fairbanks Four hearing wraps up; Case in hands of judge

The Fairbanks Four exoneration case is in the hands of Superior Court Judge Paul Lyle. Closing arguments were heard Tuesday in a five-week hearing to consider innocence petitions by the four men convicted of the 1997 murder of John Hartman. Download Audio

At Fairbanks 4 hearing, bootmark ID’d on victim in question

Fairbanks police believed they could see the shape of one of the Fairbanks Four’s boot lugs in the facial injuries of John Hartman. Download Audio

Lack of physical evidence ongoing issue in Fairbanks 4 hearing

Three pieces of possible evidence were raised Wednesday during an ongoing hearing into whether George Frese, Kevin Pease, Marvin Roberts and Eugene Vent were wrongly convicted of the 1997 beating death of John Hartman. Download Audio

Retired Fairbanks 4 detective takes stand for second day

After defending interview and interrogation techniques Monday, former police detective Aaron Ring remained on the stand for most of the day Tuesday at the Fairbanks Four exoneration hearing.

Detective defends interrogation tactics in Fairbanks 4 case

A police detective who investigated the John Hartman murder case took the stand at the “Fairbanks Four” exoneration hearing. Retired officer Aaron Ring defended how police identified and gathered evidence that lead to the Fairbanks Four convictions. Download Audio

Alternate suspect Jason Wallace testifies at Fairbanks 4 hearing

A hearing to reconsider the murder convictions of the Fairbanks Four is beginning a fifth week. The four inmates are seeking exoneration, largely based on identification of alternate suspects, including former Fairbanks resident Jason Wallace. Download Audio