Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks

Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks
Dan Bross is a reporter at KUAC in Fairbanks.
Alaska News Nightly by Alaska Public Media

Early breakup occurs along Yukon River

Ice is going out early along the Yukon River. Flooding has so far not been an issue. Download Audio

UAF Title IX violations due to systemic failures

An independent report on the University of Alaska Fairbanks failed handling of sexual assault cases was released Friday. The review done by Anchorage attorney Jeff Feldman confirms that UAF failed to pursue policy dictated disciplinary action against perpetrators in five cases from 2011 into 2014.
Alaska News Nightly by Alaska Public Media

UAF involved in new project in climate change and wildfire studies

University of Alaska Fairbanks researchers will play a big role in 3 newly funded climate change and wildfire studies. Alaska Fire Science Consortium ecologist Randi Jandt said teams that include UAF based and trained researchers will focus on implications of increasing warmth and fire activity from a cross disciplinary perspective. Download Audio

Trans-Alaska Pipeline up and running after tank fire the previous day

The Trans-Alaska Pipeline is back in operation following a tank fire that shut it down for 9 hours yesterday. Alyeska Pipeline Service Company spokeswoman Michelle Egan said workers at Pump Station 5 saw flames coming from a large crude oil storage tank at Pump Station 5 at the base of Atigun Pass in the Brooks Range around 2:20 Wednesday afternoon. Download Audio
Alaska News Nightly by Alaska Public Media

Wildfire season getting an early start

The season’s first wildfires are getting attention. The Alaska Interagency Coordination reports a 25-acre blaze in the Palmer being worked by 13 firefighters, with smaller blazes in the MatSu, on the Kenai, and in the Fairbanks area, drawing responses or being monitored in recent days. Download Audio

Moose population increases in the Yukon Charley Rivers National Preserve

Natural factors are credited with growing the moose population in the Yukon Charley Rivers National Preserve. Preserve wildlife biologist Mat Sorum said the latest data from moose population surveys conducted every 3 years, show more moose in a 3,000 square-mile corridor along the Yukon and Charley Rivers. Download Audio

Man mauled by a grizzly bear near Denali Highway

A man was attacked by a bear near the Denali Highway over the weekend. Alaska State Trooper spokesman Tim DeSpain says 77-year-old Glenn Bohn of Wasilla was bear hunting Friday afternoon near mile 68, when he was mauled by a grizzly. Download Audio

Warm weather to lead to mellow breakup, experts say

Warm weather and early snow melt, are conducive to a mellow break up. That was the message of forecasters during a teleconference Tuesday morning. Alaska River Forecast Center Senior hydrologist Crane Johnson anticipates more of a mush out. Download Audio

Denali area wolf hunt shortened

The Alaska Board of Game has approved a National Park Service proposal aimed at reducing the number of park wolves killed outside the Denali’s northern boundary. It’s the latest move in a long running debate over how to manage park wolves that roam onto state land. Download Audio

Avalanche fatality at Summit Lake

A North Pole woman was killed in an avalanche near Summit Lake over the weekend. The fatality comes as thousands of Alaskans head to the area for the Arctic Man event. Download Audio

F-35 basing decision expected Monday

The Air Force is expected to issue a final decision Monday on the basing of F-35 fighter jets at Eielson Air Force Base.

UAF mountaineering class recovers from avalanche

Members of a University of Alaska Fairbanks mountaineering class are recovering after being hit by an avalanche in the eastern Alaska Range. The incident has raised questions about the university taking students into the mountains.

Flooding still a large concern on Dalton Highway

Concern continues about flooding on the northern end of the Dalton Highway. Water from the Sag River overran the Dalton south of Deadhorse last year, causing extensive damage that closed the road for weeks. Mitigation work is aimed at reducing impacts of encroaching ice and water. Download Audio
Alaska News Nightly by Alaska Public Media

Golden Valley Electric investigates coal plant explosion

It will be months before a Golden Valley Electric Association coal fired power plant comes back on line. The plant, one of two Golden Valley operates in Healy, has been down since a coal dust explosion on March 3rd. The incident is similar to two other that occurred during initial testing of the recently re-stated power plant. Download Audio
(Screenshot of the U.S. Supreme Court decision. Click to read.)

Supreme Court sides with Sturgeon in case challenging NPS authority

In a decision released Tuesday morning, the U.S. Supreme Court sided unanimously with moose hunter John Sturgeon in his case against the National Park Service, overturning a 9th Circuit Court of Appeals decision. Download Audio

Renaming of Mt. McKinley to Denali recognized by tribal officials

Renaming of North America’s highest peak from Mt. McKinley to Denali was recognized Wednesday by federal and tribal officials at the Tanana Chief’s Conference annual meeting in Fairbanks. Three other lesser publicized name changes were also highlighted. Download Audio

State, feds pursuing better coordination after wolf kill in national preserve

State wolf control in the vicinity of Yukon Charley Rivers National Preserve has prompted agencies to pursue better cooperation. A wolf was killed by the state inside the Preserve earlier this month. Download Audio

Nuuk, Greenland prepares for Arctic Winter Games

A contingent of Alaskans is travelling to Greenland to participate in the Arctic Winter Games. Alaska’s is one of 9 regional teams descending on the northern nation’s capital of Nuuk for next week’s games. The remote arctic city is going all out to host them. Nuuk, Greenland’s has 17 thousand residents, and a lot of them are involved in putting on the 2016 Arctic Winter Games. Download Audio

Anchorage cyclist wins Iditarod Trail Invitational

Anchorage cyclist Tim Berston has won the Iditarod Trail Invitational 350 mile human powered race between Knik and McGrath. Bernston peddled his fat bike into the Kuskokwim River village Monday afternoon, clocking a time of just under 2 days. Download Audio

Alaska’s weather among the warmest in over a century

This winter’s warmer than normal weather could set an Alaska record. National Weather Service Alaska region climate science and services manager Rick Thoman points to a lack of extreme cold temperatures across the state. Download Audio