Casey Grove, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage

Casey Grove, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage
Casey Grove is host of Alaska News Nightly, a general assignment reporter and an editor at Alaska Public Media. Reach him at Read more about Casey here

More than $100,000 raised for injured Anchorage firefighter

An Anchorage firefighter badly hurt during training is making progress in a Colorado hospital amid an outpouring of support from Alaska. Listen now
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Southcentral Alaska to feel hotter weather this weekend

Unseasonably warm spell weather is coming for Southcentral Alaska, just in time for the weekend. Listen now

Fish Creek opens for dipnetting, drawing crowds

Near Wasilla today, hundreds of salmon set to spawn in Fish Creek swam a gauntlet of dipnets after the Department of Fish and Game opened the sometimes sporadic personal-use dipnet fishery there. Listen now

Walker signs opioid addiction prevention bill

Today, Governor Bill Walker signed into law House Bill 159, which aims to help prevent opioid addiction before it starts. Listen now
a bottle of pills

Safeway to pay feds $3M after Wasilla pharmacy lost thousands of pain pills

The supermarket chain Safeway Inc. has agreed to pay $3 million dollars in a settlement that involves missing pain medication from a pharmacy in Wasilla. Listen now

Judge orders Anchorage to pay ex-cops $2.7M after city loses racial discrimination case

A judge has increased the penalty the Municipality of Anchorage will pay two former Anchorage police officers, who alleged racial discrimination at the Anchorage Police Department and won with a jury verdict this spring. Listen now

From Anchorage, Walker tells lawmakers to get back to Juneau

Lawmakers have been meeting in Juneau for nearly half a year, but Gov. Bill Walker told reporters on Monday in Anchorage that he doesn’t think they’re done yet. Listen now

Contractor’s blunder causes outage to University of Alaska statewide network

The University of Alaska's information technology infrastructure and many of its network systems suffered a prolonged, widespread outage Wednesday on at least two campuses -- Fairbanks and Anchorage. Listen now

Trump’s Interior secretary takes first baby step on King Cove road

There was a bit of a victory Monday for supporters of a proposed road in Southwest Alaska that would connect the village of King Cove to an airport at Cold Bay via the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge. Listen now

Fish and Game shoots black bear thought to have killed 16-year-old runner

That bear had been shot once already during an effort Sunday to recover the 16-year-old's body. Listen now

Charges: Treasurer for Alaska movie industry union stole nearly $200K

The former treasurer of an entertainment industry union that raked in money during Alaska's film-making boom is charged with stealing nearly $200,000 from the union

Study claims Exxon Valdez oil spill didn’t cause Prince William Sound fisheries crash

The study says wild red salmon are affected more by adult hatchery-raised pink salmon that compete with reds or eat them when they're small. And the research also says herring declines are more related to increased fresh water from melting glaciers, rather than oil inundation after the spill.

GCI suffers crime-related statewide outages for second time in 2 months

For the second time in as many months, Alaska's largest communications company suffered statewide outages due to alleged criminal activity. This time, a man is behind bars for causing damage to GCI equipment at the Denali Tower building in Midtown Anchorage on Sunday

Summers in Palmer home to Friday Fling market

Outdoor summer markets are ramping up with patrons and vendors abuzz over early season plant starts, delicious food, and crafts like homemade soap, jewelry, hats and mittens. Listen now

Putin calls the recent U.S. anti-ballistic missile exercises a threat to Russia

Following a successful test of the United States' anti-ballistic missile capabilities this week, Russian President Vladimir Putin called the missile defense system's components in South Korea and Alaska a threat to Russia. Listen now

Many GCI customers will see internet bills go up

Many customers of Alaska telecommunications company GCI will see the cost of their internet service increase next month. Listen now

Hatchet-wielding man shot by Anchorage police Thursday morning

Anchorage police say an officer shot and critically wounded a hatchet-wielding man early Thursday morning during an investigation of car break-ins on the city's south side. Listen now

He’s back: Former Gov. Murkowski pitches Alaska-Canada rail link (again)

Frank Murkowski is again pitching a rail link between Canada and Alaska, an old idea the former senator and governor worked on when he was in office. Listen now

Anchorage aims to ease fee on ‘cottage food’ industry

It might soon get a little easier for people selling things like baked goods, jams, jellies and fermented food in Anchorage. Listen now
kale bragaw gardens

Food security meeting seeks input

State and federal officials are trying to get a better idea of how much food Alaskans actually raise and grow. Listen now