Eric Bork, Alaska Public Media

Eric Bork, Alaska Public Media
Eric Bork, or you can just call him “Bork” because everybody else does, is the FM Operations Manager for KSKA-FM. He oversees the day-to-day operations of the FM broadcast. He produces and edits episodes of Outdoor Explorer, the Alaska-focused outdoors program. He also maintains the web posts for that show. You may have heard him filling in for Morning Edition or hosting All Things Considered and can still find him operating the soundboard for any of the live broadcast programs.

After escaping the Detroit area when he was 18, Bork made it up to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, where he earned a degree in Communications/Radio Broadcasting from Northern Michigan University. He spent time managing the college radio station, working for the local NPR affiliate, and then in top 40 radio in Michigan before coming to Alaska to work his first few summers. After then moving to Chicago, it only took five years to convince him to move back to Alaska in 2010. When not involved in great radio programming he’s probably riding a bicycle, thinking about riding bicycles, dreaming about bikes, reading a book, or planning the next place he’ll travel to. Only two continents left to conquer!
Bear catching fish Alaska News Nightly

McNeil River Bears

KSKA: Thursday, April 27, at 2:00 p.m. In a state with so much wildlife and wilderness, there is one place that is legendary for a most extraordinary bear-viewing experience: McNeil River State Game Sanctuary and Refuge. The sanctuary is celebrating it's 50th anniversary, so we invited in some experts who have spent the most time there to learn how this amazing opportunity came to be and what it's like to spend time with the bears. LISTEN HERE

The Arab fall and Egyptian politics

KSKA: Tuesday, April 25, at 2:00 p.m. This week we’re learning more about politics and regional issues in Egypt. Eric Trager, the author of Arab Fall: How the Muslim Brotherhood Won and Lost Egypt in 891 Days, is the Esther K. Wagner Fellow at The Washington Institute. LISTEN HERE

Alaska News Nightly: Wednesday, April 19, 2017

F-22s intercept Russian bombers outside Alaska…again; All smiles for Rep. Young in Eagle River; Murkowski meets with students, seniors but no town hall; DOC offers new way to treat opioid addictions; Senate passes survivors’ benefits bill, allowing municipalities to opt out; New assistant district attorney taking the reins at Dillingham office; Alaska pretrial services might see change; Fairbanks school name voted out; Anchorage assembly says goodbye to some members; Statewide Trails Conference focuses on sustainable trails

Noise and light pollution

KSKA: Thursday, April 20, at 2:00 p.m. One way of thinking about wilderness is to remember what’s not there. Wilderness is never crowded, or full of artificial noise or electric light. Noise and light would cover up the good qualities in nature - the delicate sounds and the bright stars and aurora of a winter night. On the next Outdoor Explorer, we’re looking at the problem of keeping the wilderness quiet and dark, which unfortunately takes some effort for us, in our bright noisy world. LISTEN HERE

Commemorating 150 years since Alaska’s purchase, with Willie Hensley

KSKA: Tuesday, April 18 at 2pm. On March 30, 1867 Secretary of State William Seward signed the purchase treaty with Russia and set into motion historical events that have impacted people in very different ways. We're featuring Willie Hensley as he explores the various views of the Alaska purchase, and how understanding the past will help all Alaskans move toward a more inclusive future. LISTEN HERE

Meet Prithvi Ramkumar, from Seattle

"New Arrivals" is Alaska Public Media's profiles of people who recently moved to Anchorage, one of the most diverse cities in the world. The stories air at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesdays during Morning Edition here on KSKA, Alaska Public Media. LISTEN HERE

Willy and Adrienne Shelton

Willy and Adrianne Shelton talk about their son Joel, his twin Nathan and their younger brother, and how Joel’s leukemia diagnosis and treatment has impacted their family, faith and relationships. LISTEN HERE

Ginny Shaffer and Lisa Solomonson

Friends Ginny Shaffer and Lisa Solomonson recall the passing of Ginny's infant son, Bryson, twelve years ago. At the time, Lisa was a nurse who cared for Bryson and his twin sister, Holland. Both were born with heart defects. Ginny and Lisa reflect on the experience of caring for Bryson and Holland through this difficult time. Ginny and Lisa bonded during the care of Bryson and Holland through this difficult time. LISTEN HERE

Arleta Lefler and Theresa Gleason

Arleta Lefler talks to her supervisor, Theresa Gleason, about how faith informs her work as a nurse. For Arleta, nursing is a "God calling." She recalls memorable moments of interacting with patients from throughout her career. LISTEN HERE

Ralph Pasana and Asia Harmeling

Asia Harmeling and Ralph Pasana talk about why they chose nursing. Ralph shares the memory when, as a teen one day, he wanted to spend time with friends rather than care for his grandmother and how that episode influences his work as a nurse today. LISTEN HERE

Sara Lovell and Bryant Skinner

Bryant Skinner talks to colleague, Sara Lovell, about his work with Alaska CARES, a children’s advocacy center. During therapy, one young girl’s drawings affirm his belief that there is hope for healing. Patient permission was granted to share this story. LISTEN HERE
algo nuevo

Algo Nuevo April 09, 2017

Here’s the Sunday, April 09, 2017 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If you have questions, comments or music requests for host Dave Luera, send email to or post your comment at the bottom of this post.

Mountain biking in Eagle River and the Mat-Su

KSKA: Thursday, April 13, at 2:00 p.m. Probably, like a lot of cyclists in Anchorage, you know our trails pretty well, especially the ones closest to home, because that’s where you ride on a regular basis. But bikes these days can go a lot farther than that. On our next show, we’re talking about mountain biking opportunities beyond the bowl, including in the Mat-su and on the brand new trails just finished near Eagle River, at Mirror Lake. LISTEN HERE

Visiting with Malcolm and Cindy Roberts

KSKA: Wednesday April 12, 2017 @ 2pm and 8 pm. This week we have a fun couple we want you to meet. Malcolm and Cindy Roberts have been in Alaska since the state's early days and contributed at many levels, including making Anchorage a welcoming place for diverse people. Even more inspirational is their wonderful relationship and the infectious positive attitude they share. LISTEN NOW

Military in Alaska: Past, present, and future

KSKA: Tuesday, March 07, at 2:00 p.m. This time we’re learning more about the military here in Alaska and it's influence on the state. You'll hear from two generals and their perspective on the financial situation on the state and continued growth. LISTEN NOW
algo nuevo

Algo Nuevo April 02, 2017

Here’s the Sunday, April 2nd, 2016 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If you have questions, comments or music requests for host Dave, send email to or post your comment at the bottom of this post.

Denali National Park’s centennial

KSKA: Thursday, April 04, at 2:00. Denali National Park is turning 100 years old. We’ll learn how the park came into being a century ago, when development of Alaska had hardly begun. We’ll also look at the park today and opportunities to experience it as Alaskans. It is one of our biggest tourist attractions, but it is also a great place to visit with your family, especially with the activities starting this month for the centennial year. LISTEN NOW

Stranger than Fiction: Stories of the unpredictable, unreliable, and unbelievable

Arctic Entries this month brings you "Stranger than Fiction: Stories of the Unpredictable, Unreliable, and Unbelievable." In the spirit of This American Life, The Moth, and other storytelling events, Arctic Entries brings Alaskans to the stage to share their personal stories: funny, sad and sweet. LISTEN NOW

Meet Vic Fischer, the April Fools episode

"New Arrivals" is Alaska Public Media's profiles of people who recently moved to Anchorage, one of the most diverse cities in the world. The stories air at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesdays during Morning Edition here on KSKA, Alaska Public Media. LISTEN NOW
algo nuevo

Algo Nuevo March 26, 2017

Here’s the Sunday, March 26th, 2017 edition of Algo Nuevo con Dave Luera — Something New with Dave Luera. If you have questions, comments or music requests for host Dave, send email to or post your comment at the bottom of this post.