Becky Bohrer - The Associated Press

Becky Bohrer - The Associated Press
A photo of a multi-story building.

Alaska PFD unsettled as special session nears end

Alaska lawmakers have yet to agree on a dividend payout to residents this year though legislative leaders say they hope to do so by the end of this special session, which is Tuesday.

COVID-19 hospitalizations rise to new high in Alaska

JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — The number of Alaskans hospitalized with COVID-19 has risen, worrying health care providers who are facing staffing issues and fatigue and wondering when the latest wave of cases might peak.
A hearing room with a bunch of people

Dispute over funds casts doubt on Alaska dividend amount

The Alaska House passed legislation Tuesday calling for a $1,100 dividend to residents but there are different interpretations as to whether much of the money that would be used for the checks is available.
a sign says "Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation"

Alaska lawmakers face crunch to pay PFDs

Alaska residents don’t know how much money they might get from the state’s oil wealth this year — or even when they might get the unique payout just for living in the state — and many are upset.
A four story concrete building

Alaska legislative leaders to weigh Capitol mask mandate

The city of Juneau requires masks in indoor public places, regardless of vaccination status, though the Capitol doesn’t fall under the city jurisdiction.
A green mountainside with a mountain lake visible

Georgia mom and daughter among 6 killed in plane crash near Ketchikan

Davis McArthur said his mother, Andrea McArthur, and sister, Rachel McArthur, were on a “girls’ trip” before his sister returned to college. They were among the six people killed in a plane crash last week near Ketchikan.
An image of a website that says "The Department of Health and Social Services website is currently unavailable."

‘Sophisticated group’ behind Alaska cyberattack, agency says

The state department said the group had “exploited a vulnerable website and spread from there.”
A landscape shot of a coastal community.

Interior Secretary hasn’t made decision on Izembek refuge road issue

Interior Secretary Deb Haaland plans to review the record and visit King Cove, the community at the heart of the dispute, before making a decision, says a Justice Department attorney.
The seal of the state of alaska as seen from below

Court nixes some caps for Alaska campaign contributions

A divided federal appeals court panel has struck down several campaign contribution caps in Alaska, including a $500-a-year limit on what an individual can give a candidate.
A tan and redish building under a gray sky

Alaska lawmakers seek delay in August special session start

Alaska legislative leaders have asked Gov. Mike Dunleavy to delay the upcoming special session, which is set to begin Monday.
A ochre and white concrete building in a greay cloudy day

Constitution bars Alaska attorney general case, judge says

A lawsuit by Alaska’s attorney general against the Legislative Affairs Agency is really an action by the governor against the Legislature that is barred by the Alaska Constitution, a state court judge ruled Thursday.
A ochre and white concrete building in a greay cloudy day

Judge to hear arguments in Alaska budget dispute lawsuit

A lawsuit raising questions about when the state budget takes effect should be dismissed on constitutional or other grounds, attorneys for the Legislative Affairs Agency argue in a case scheduled to be heard Friday.
A city street as seen from above

Will Alaska financing program ease eviction woes?

The Alaska Legislature put in place moratoriums on the disconnection of utility service or evictions because of nonpayment of rent, both of which expired last year. There is, however, still the CDC moratorium related to evictions.
a person prepares a mixed drink at a restaurant bar

Alaska job numbers up for June, but still below pre-pandemic levels

Alaska had about 17,000 more jobs last month than it did in June 2020, with most industries seeing gains over that period but still falling below pre-pandemic levels, a report released Friday by the state labor department shows.

Reports: Alaska’s Murkowski has big cash lead over GOP rival

Though Sen. Lisa Murkowski has not yet announced whether she'll run again for her seat in 2022, she raised around twice as much as GOP rival Kelly Tshibaka in the latest fundraising quarter.
Gov. Mike Dunleavy

Alaska governor fully vaccinated against COVID-19

Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy has been “fully vaccinated” against COVID-19, the state’s chief medical officer said Wednesday. Dr. Anne Zink said in an email to The Associated Press that Dunleavy “has been fully vaccinated and...
A white woman in a pink coat speaks with a microphone

Murkowski camp teases fundraising ahead of deadline

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, talks to reporters in the Alaska Capitol in Juneau after her annual address to the Legislature on Feb. 18, 2020. (Skip Gray/KTOO) Sen. Lisa Murkowski hasn’t officially announced if she...

Alaska House passes budget, $525 dividends, but leaves important programs in doubt

The Alaska House late Tuesday passed a state budget that would result in a $525 dividend to residents this year and leave in doubt funding for a number of programs and infrastructure projects after it failed to garner sufficient support on a key vote.
Gov. Mike Dunleavy

Dunleavy urges lawmakers to act on PFD plan

Some legislators have raised questions about some of the administration’s modeling assumptions and concerns with tackling the dividend issue without other pieces of a possible fiscal plan.
A cruise ship next to a forested hill

Utah man faces sentencing in beating death of wife on Alaska cruise

The father of a Utah woman beaten to death by her husband on an Alaska cruise in 2017 told a judge Wednesday he would consider it justice if the man went to prison for the rest of his life.