The Associated Press

The Associated Press

North Slope mayor recalled by voters

Residents of the North Slope Borough have voted to recall Mayor Charlotte Brower. Download Audio

Senate weighs increasing contributions to retirement plans

A co-chair of the Senate Finance Committee is looking at whether bills that would increase local contributions for two state retirement plans are needed this session given new actuarial estimates.

Eielson chosen to base the F-35

Today, the decision on where to base the F-35 was made official. Download Audio
Alaska News Nightly by Alaska Public Media

Alaska increases oil production for first time in more than a decade

The Alaska Oil and Gas Association has announced that the state had its first year-over-year increase in oil production in more than a decade.

Bishop Burns: Church needs legal shield to deny same-sex services

A Catholic bishop in Juneau told the House Judiciary Committee that the church reversed a 75-year-old policy of allowing people of other faiths to get married in one of its landmark chapels after same-sex marriage became legal.

Pavlof still rumbling, but no more ash clouds

Researchers say Pavlof volcano is still rumbling and exploding but is no longer sending up massive ash clouds. Download Audio
APRN News by Alaska Public Media

State officials propose program to address rising health insurance rates

State officials in Alaska are proposing a program to address high-cost health insurance claims in hopes of stabilizing rising rates on the individual policy market. Download Audio

Bill introduced allowing individuals to refuse performing same sex marriages

A House Judiciary committee will hear testimony Wednesday afternoon on a bill that protects religious officials and others who refuse to perform same sex marriages.

Senate bills would cut revenue sharing, shift pension costs to municipalities

Bills calling for increased local contributions to two state pension programs and an overhaul of a community assistance program have been proposed in the Alaska Senate as lawmakers look to further cut costs amid a bulging budget deficit. Download Audio
Alaska State Troopers. Photo: Monica Gokey/ Alaska Public Media file photo.

State troopers not setting up command post for Arctic Man

A spokeswoman for the Alaska State Troopers says the agency will not set up a command post at the Arctic Man Classic race. Download Audio
Jim Johnsen at a meet and greet in Juneau, July 7, 2015. Johnsen is a candidate for University of Alaska president. (Photo by Jeremy Hsieh/KTOO)

UA Board formally opposes campus conceal-carry bill

The University of Alaska Board of Regents has formalized its opposition to a state Senate bill that would allow concealed weapons on its campuses. Download Audio
Sockeye salmon. (Alaska Department of Fish and Game photo)

New fee on sockeye fishing proposed to lawmakers

Fishermen have told state lawmakers they want a new fee imposed on personal use and sport fishermen who catch sockeye on two heavily used rivers in the state.
(NOAA photo)

Several groups criticize Walker’s handling of fisheries

Fishermen, Alaska Native tribal members and clean water advocates are criticizing Gov. Bill Walker's administration over its handling of fisheries and water issues. Download Audio
Sen. Anna MacKinnon participates in a discussion during a Senate Resources Committee meeting, Feb. 5, 2014. (Photo by Skip Gray/Gavel Alaska)

With a month left of legislative session budget solution still up in the air

With about a month left in the scheduled 90-day legislative session, lawmakers are trying to figure out how to pay the bills given the steep drop in oil revenue that's left Alaska with a multi-billion dollar deficit. Download Audio
Dead murres on the beach in Haines on Jan. 12, 2016. (Tim Ackerman)

Seabird die-off takes twist with carcasses in Alaska lake

The massive die-off of a widely distributed North Pacific seabird continues to surprise federal scientists. The latest twist was the discovery of thousands of carcasses of common murres along a freshwater Alaska lake. Download Audio

Alaska GOP reallocates delegates with Rubio out

The Alaska Republican party has awarded 14 delegates each to Ted Cruz and Donald Trump after Marco Rubio suspended his campaign earlier this week.

BP to lay off more workers in Anchorage

BP says it is planning to further reduce its workforce in Alaska as the state continues to struggle with low oil prices. BP spokeswoman Dawn Patience told KTUU-TV on Monday that about 4 percent of the company's workforce will be cut. Most of the affected positions are based in Anchorage.
A woman in a red shirt

Sarah Palin shows at Trump rally despite husband’s accident in Alaska

Palin used the appearance to wade into the controversy over violence at Trump's rallies. Download Audio

Report: 50 percent of Alaska women report abuse by partner

A new study says that half of women in Alaska say they have experienced intimate partner violence, sexual violence or both.

State moves to ban non-citizens from getting senior benefits

State officials want to change eligibility requirements that now allow non-citizens to collect monthly senior benefits.