Annie Feidt, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage

Annie Feidt, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage
Annie Feidt is the broadcast managing editor at Alaska Public Media. Reach her at Read more about Annie here

Over 11,000 Alaskans Receiving Health Insurance Refunds

More than 11,000 Alaskans are getting refunds from their health insurance companies. As part of the Affordable Care Act, companies have to spend at least 80 percent of premium dollars on medical care and wellness. If they don't hit that target, they are required to send refunds to customers. Download Audio

Dipnetters Try Their Luck On The Kenai River

The state's largest personal use fishery is happening on the Kenai river. Dipnetters from across the state are crowding onto the north and south beaches at the mouth of the river hoping to fill coolers with sockeye salmon.

Gov’s Office Considers Suing Xerox Over Botched System Rollout

The Governor’s office may sue Xerox Corporation for the bungled rollout of a new system to process Medicaid claims. Download Audio

Rare Ribbon Seal Sighting In Prince William Sound

A federal wildlife technician got a rare treat in Prince William Sound yesterday (Weds). Marty Reedy was driving a boat for a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service seabird and marine mammal survey when a colleague pointed out a seal that didn't look quite right. Reedy, who has also worked in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas knew immediately what the animal was- a ribbon seal. Download Audio

Medicare Will Penalize Alaska Hospitals For Patient Safety

The four largest hospitals in Alaska are facing Medicare payment penalties for the quality of their care. Providence, Alaska Regional, Alaska Native Medical Center and Fairbanks Memorial are all in the bottom 25% nationally for the number of infections and serious complications patients get in their hospitals, according to data analyzed by Kaiser Health News. Download Audio

Health Care Broker Enroll Alaska Scales Back

Enroll Alaska is scaling back its business in the state. The division of Northrim Bank launched last year with plans to help tens of thousands Alaskans sign up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. The company ended up with disappointing results and is now rethinking its strategy. Download Audio

Report Says 12,000 Alaskans Without Reliable Access To Health Care

When Governor Sean Parnell decided to reject federal Medicaid expansion last fall, he asked for a study detailing the safety net services available to low income Alaskans. That report is out this week and it shows 12,000 Alaskans have no reliable access to health care, particularly specialty care. Download Audio

State Report Identifies Gaps In Safety Net Care

When Governor Sean Parnell decided to reject federal Medicaid expansion last fall, he asked for a study detailing the safety net services available to low income Alaskans. That report is out this week and it shows 12,000 Alaskans have no reliable access to health care, particularly specialty care.

New President At Premera Alaska Will Be Based In Seattle

Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska has a new president. Jim Grazko is replacing Jeff Davis, who held the job for 17 years and is retiring at the end of June. Premera Alaska is the largest health insurer in the state, serving more than 100,000 customers.

Anchorage Scientist Studies Ancient Cancer For Clues To Modern Disease

Cancer is often described as a modern disease. But the skeletal remains of our ancient ancestors are marked by the ravages of cancer. And an Anchorage scientist- who's a cancer survivor, thinks those prehistoric bones could hold clues to understanding how the disease works today. Download Audio

13,000 Alaskans Enrolled With

About 13,000 Alaskans signed up for health insurance on during the open enrollment period that closed March 31st. The two insurers offering plans on the exchange in Alaska shared their enrollment figures today with APRN. Download Audio

BP Sells Some North Slope Assets To Hilcorp

BP announced Tuesday it’s selling some of its assets on the North Slope. The company will sell to aging oil fields – Endicott and Northstar – to Hilcorp, a company that is developing oil and gas wells in Cook Inlet. Hilcorp will also buy a 50 percent interest in two other fields- Milne Point and Liberty. Download Audio

The 7.5 Million Obamacare Number Only Part Of The Story

Want to know how many people have signed up for private insurance under Obamacare? Like the law itself, the answer is complicated. The administration is tracking the number of plans purchased on and on the state exchanges. But the federal government isn’t counting the number of people buying plans directly from insurance carriers. Download Audio

Alaska’s Health Insurers Call Marketplace Enrollment Figures Disappointing

The Obama administration announced today more than 7 million Americans signed up for health insurance on government run marketplaces by Monday’s enrollment deadline. In Alaska, the final numbers aren't in yet. The two insurers on the state's federally run marketplace are reporting they had 7,500 enrollees by mid March. Download Audio

Health Insurers Brace For Confusion Over Deadline

March 31st is the deadline for signing up for health insurance. And insurance companies in Alaska are bracing for confusion over the deadline. They worry many Alaskans don't realize they won't be able to buy health insurance anywhere after that date.

Two Alaskans, Two Very Different Affordable Care Act Experiences

The deadline to sign up for health insurance is next Monday, March 31st. To accommodate the last minute rush, the Obama administration announced this week you'll be able to enroll as long as you begin the process before the end of the month. After that, you won't be able to buy coverage on, or anywhere, unless you have a qualifying life event, like getting married or having a child. Download Audio

Tsunami Debris Clean Up Is Slowed By Huge Volume, Rugged Terrain

The state is planning an aerial survey this spring to figure out how much new debris from the 2011 Japanese tsunami has arrived on Alaska's shores. Environmental groups spent much of last summer cleaning up debris. But the state's vast and rugged coastline has made it a slow and costly project. Download Audio

With Deadline Approaching, More Alaskans Signing Up For Health Insurance

Alaskans working to sign people up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act say they're seeing a big increase in enrollments this month. The boost comes as the March 31st open enrollment deadline approaches. Download Audio

SHARP-II Program Under Fire

A State House committee has eliminated funding for a state program that helps medical professionals repay their student loans if they serve poor or rural patients. It’s called the SHARP-II program and clinics say it’s an essential tool to convince physicians and other medical professionals to care for patients in under-served communities. Download Audio

Employers Struggle With Ballooning Cost Of Workers’ Comp Medical Bills

Employers in Alaska pay the highest workers compensation premiums in the country. And most of that cost goes toward medical claims. The Alaska State Chamber of Commerce has for several years, made reforming the system one of its legislative priorities. And this year, at least one state lawmaker is working on legislation to help control workers compensation costs.