Anne Hillman, Alaska Public Media

Anne Hillman, Alaska Public Media
Anne Hillman is the healthy communities editor at Alaska Public Media and a host of Hometown, Alaska. Reach her at Read more about Anne here.

Mallott brings principles, finance experience to Lt. Gov. race

Byron Mallott has held many positions in his 71 years. He was the CEO of the Permanent Fund, the CEO of Sealaska, the president of AFN, and even briefly held the mayor's seat in both Yakutat and Juneau. Now, he's running for lieutenant governor. Download Audio

House District 21 candidates blur some party lines but not others

Two candidates are running for Democrat-turned-Republican Lindsey Holmes former seat in West Anchorage's House District 21. And like their predecessor, some of their views blur typical party lines.

Judge rules state must comply with National Guard records request

An Alaska Superior Court judge ruled Thursday that the governor’s office must start providing documents about the National Guard scandal to Alaska Public Media and Alaska Dispatch News. The State has until noon Friday to hand over any related public records they have already identified and a privilege log that explains why they cannot provide other documents. Download Audio

Alaska Public Media, Alaska Dispatch News Take State To Court Over National Guard Documents

Alaska Public Media and Alaska Dispatch News are taking the State to court because the state government has failed to provide documents regarding the National Guard Scandal. Download Audio

New Geologic Materials Center Opens In Anchorage

The State has a new library – for rocks. The new Geologic Materials Center opened in Anchorage Wednesday in what used to be the old Sam’s Club. The facility is aimed at giving industry members, academics and the public access to the wealth of data kept in core samples from around the state. Download Audio

Experienced Senate N candidates differ on most issues

Two experienced but very different politicians are both running for Senate Seat N in South Anchorage and Girdwood.

McGee, Vazquez vie for open House District 22 seat

Rep. Mia Costello vacated the seat for House District 22 this year when she decided to run for Senate K instead. Neither of the candidates vying for her house seat have served in the legislature before, and their positions have some overlap.

Ret. Colonel runs for House District 15, seeks to reduce and realign budget

A political newcomer is vying for the House seat in Anchorage's district 15, which contains Muldoon and Elmendorf. Retired Army Colonel Laurie Hummel, a Democrat, is challenging Republican Gabrielle LeDoux, who has served in the legislature representing first Kodiak and now district 15. KSKA spoke with Hummel about her campaign. LeDoux did not respond to requests for an interview. Download Audio

Consolidating ASD schools under consideration, but not likely to save money in short term

The Anchorage School Board wants the district administration to look at how consolidating schools could help close the district’s anticipated $22 million budget gap. Preliminary data shows it may hurt more than help in the short term.

Military recruiters banned from Anchorage Schools

Military recruiters are no longer welcome at Anchorage schools. Superintendent Ed Graff made the decision after the Anchorage Press published allegations that an Army National Guard recruiter had sex with and made sexual advances toward high school JROTC cadets.
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Supreme Court denies stay; same-sex marriages can continue in Alaska

Same-sex marriages are legal again in Alaska. The U.S. Supreme Court denied the state a stay, which would have halted the issuance of marriage licenses to same-sex couples until the 9th Circuit Court heard the state's appeal early next year. The governor's office is continuing with the appeal. Download Audio

Les Mis brings local touch to global production

Les Miserables opens in Anchorage Friday. The Broadway musical has been produced around the world since 1985, but this production has local twists. Download Audio

Ebola risk low in Alaska, plan in place to stop spread

Alaska is at low risk for exposure to Ebola, but self-monitoring by those who have been to West Africa is necessary. Download Audio

Old Federal Building trees avoid the chopping block

Two large spruce trees in front of the Old Federal Building in downtown Anchorage will not be cut down. The General Services Administration, which looks after the site, had planned to remove the more than 50-year-old trees.

Same-sex couples apply for marriage licenses, State asks for a stay

After a federal judge decided Sunday that Alaska's same-sex marriage ban was unconstitutional, the State of Alaska started accepting applications for gay marriages this morning. But the state's Attorney General is asking for a stay on that legal decision, which would put a hold on actually issuing any licenses. Download Audio

Same-Sex Marriage is Legal in Alaska

A federal judge legalized same-sex marriage in Alaska on Sunday. Couples can start applying for licenses immediately and the state will recognize marriages from other states. Governor Sean Parnell said in a press release he will appeal the ruling in order to "defend and uphold the law and the Alaska Constitution."

Judge to rule on same-sex marriage in Alaska “soon”

Same-sex marriage is not legal in Alaska -- yet. The US District Court judge chose not to make a decision today after hearing oral arguments from both the state and a group of couples who are fighting the marriage ban. The arguments were complicated by the recent 9th District Court decision that overturned the same-sex marriage ban in Idaho. Alaska is within the 9th Circuit, so that decision holds here as well. Download Audio

AK: Bodybuilding

The sport is usually associated with steroids, spray tans and bizarrely bulging muscles, but for some competitors in Alaska, drug-free bodybuilding isn't about vanity, it's about therapy. After 24 years as an Army Ranger and a grueling tour in Afghanistan, Frank Loomis retired, joined the police and started having a mid-life crisis. His solution? Start training with Mr. Alaska. KSKA's Anne Hillman followed Loomis from training to his first masters level competition. Download Audio

Violence in Foster Care System Very Rare, Safety Nets in Place

KSKA DJ Marvell Johnson was killed this week by his foster son. But state officials with the foster care system stress that events like this are extremely rare and they have systems in place to keep foster parents and children safe. Download Audio

Police use tear gas to apprehend man who pulled a gun on an officer

Police have taken into custody the man who barricaded himself into a residence in Mountain View after pulling a gun on a police officer Thursday morning. After negotiations failed they released tear gas into the building, and he was apprehended.