Anne Hillman, Alaska Public Media

Anne Hillman, Alaska Public Media
Anne Hillman is the healthy communities editor at Alaska Public Media and a host of Hometown, Alaska. Reach her at Read more about Anne here.

Sentencing begins in Anchorage hit-and-run cyclist case

The first segment of Alexandra Ellis’ sentencing hearing took place Friday afternoon in Anchorage. Ellis pled guilty to hitting and killing cyclist Jeff Dusenbury last summer, when she was 17. Many community members disagree with the plea deal reached by the state this spring.

Anchorage Assembly Seeks to Add LBGT Clause To Anti-Discrimination Code

The Anchorage Assembly is trying again to add sexual orientation and gender identity to the city's anti-discrimination ordinances. Assembly member Bill Evans filed the amendments Thursday. They'll take public comment on Sept. 15. Download Audio

A Two-Wheeled Crusade Against Transphobia Hits the Road

Reports show that violence against transgender people is rising nationwide. But one Anchorage woman is trying to fight transphobia locally by raising awareness that they're part of the community, too. Her plan involves a bike, flashy pink nails, and an achingly long ride. Download Audio

‘Stop the Violence’ Walk Asks Community to Pay Attention

After two recent shooting deaths of local teenagers, more than 60 people marched through the rain in East Anchorage on Sunday afternoon to raise awareness of violence in the community. Download Audio

“Stop the Violence” Walk Asks Community to Pay Attention

After two recent shooting deaths of local teenagers, more than 60 people marched through the rain in East Anchorage on Sunday afternoon to raise awareness of violence in the community. Download Audio

49 Voices: Brandon Hall from Resolution Brewing Company in Anchorage

This week we’re talking with Brandon Hall, the head brewer at Resolution Brewing Company, which opened a few months ago in Anchorage’s Mountain View neighborhood, who first came to Alaska with the Air Force after college. Download Audio

Hospitalizations from Spice on the rise, many cases near Bean’s Cafe

More than 30 people have been hospitalized this week because of the drug spice. Though it's not directly linked to deaths in the homeless community, staff at Bean's Cafe are concerned. Download Audio

AK: An 80-Year Love Affair With Wildflowers Still Blossoms

Eighty years ago Verna Pratt was more comfortable with the violets and buttercups of rural Massachusetts than with people. But her early affection for flowers led her on an unexpected path to notoriety more than 3,000 miles away. Download Audio:

Deceased man found near downtown Anchorage

A fourth man in less than two weeks was found dead outside in Anchorage on Thursday late afternoon. The man, who has not been identified by the Anchorage Police Department, was near 3rd Avenue and Karluk Street close to where one man was found last week.

Legislature Reconsiders How to Distribute Public School Funding

The state’s Legislative Budget and Audit Committee is examining how education funding is distributed. A new study doesn’t look at how much money districts should get. Instead, it asks if all the districts are being treated fairly.

Need for Food Assistance on the Rise as Alaskans Struggle to Make Ends Meet

Every week in 2014, nearly 6,300 households received free food from food pantries and other programs in Alaska. At some point, most of them had to choose between food or transportation, rent, medical care, or heat. And data from the United Way shows that the need is rising statewide. For some, mobile food pantries help close the budget gap. Download Audio

Dept. of Revenue Report: Oil Tax Credits Are A Poor Investment for Alaska

Are North Slope oil tax credits a good investment for the State of Alaska? That’s the question asked by a recent report from the Department of Revenue. The researchers answer: No, not compared to other options. But some experts say the paper doesn't give the tax credits a fair shake. Download Audio:

Clients say bullying is a problem at Brother Francis Shelter, agency is following up

Clients of the Brother Francis Shelter in Anchorage are agitating for change. They are frustrated with the way they are being treated at the shelter and with some of the policies. Catholic Social Services, which runs the shelter, is trying to work with them to improve the situation. Download Audio:

49 Voices: Diane Timberlake of Anchorage

This week we're hearing from Diane Timberlake of Fairbanks. Download Audio:

Challenges and successes for Alaska’s LGBTQ community

Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a landmark decision and legalized same-sex marriage nationwide. But in the same week, the rainbow flag was burned outside of Identity, Anchorage’s LGBT community center. In these fast changing times, what challenges and successes are the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer communities facing here in Alaska? KSKA: Friday, 7/3, at 2:00 p.m. and Saturday, 7/4, at 6:00 p.m. KAKM: Friday, 7/3, at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, 7/4, at 4:30 p.m. Listen now:

Psychologist Follows Slow-Roasted, Highly Caffeinated Dream

Austin Schwartz pours green coffee beans into a pan and sets a timer. For the next 8 minutes, he slowly shuffles them around. The inside of the bus is open and simple. A few of the original 1960s era benches flank the sides of a coffee counter where a teakettle sits on one corner. A two-burner propane stove stands against a wall. Download Audio

Mt. View Neighborhood Plan pulls together community ideas for a better place to live

The Mountain View Community Council is putting the finishing touches on their neighborhood plan. It's a targeted vision for making the city's most diverse neighborhood a place people want to stay for the long-term.

Muldoon Farmers Market highlights need for community space

Muldoon's first farmers market unites community in quest for more gathering spaces.

Hip-hop bringing positive change to Anchorage

Hip hop is more than just music and dance. It’s a culture. And for some people in Alaska it’s a way to bring positive change to the community. KSKA: Friday, 6/26, at 2:00 p.m. and Saturday, 6/27, at 6:00 p.m. KAKM: Friday, 6/26, at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, 6/27, at 4:30 p.m. Listen now:

Sparc! Gives Artists A Way to Communicate When They May Otherwise Be Silent

Sparc! studio blends in with the line of shops and galleries in downtown Anchorage, but behind the displays of vivid paintings and sculptures, artists are learning more than just creative expression.