Angela Denning, CoastAlaska

Angela Denning, CoastAlaska

Budget Cuts Tighten Local Law Departments in Southeast

Fewer crimes in Petersburg could be prosecuted in the near future. At least that’s what the Petersburg Borough fears might happen with budget cuts to the regional D.A.’s office. Download Audio

In Petersburg, Childcare Shortage Leaves Parents Hanging

There is not enough child care in Petersburg. One of the preschools, the Petersburg Children’s Center, has a waiting list of 45 kids. A planned expansion could help drop that number. Download Audio

Indonesian Company Buys Alaska-Based Icicle Seafoods

Icicle Seafoods, one of Alaska’s largest seafood processors is being sold to Indonesian companies Convergence Holdings and Dominion Catchers owned by the wealthy Soetantyo family. The deal isn’t expected to close until August but private investment firm, Paine and Partners says they and Icicle Holdings, Inc. have entered into agreements to sell the company.

French Company Courts Petersburg As A Cruise Destination

A French tour boat carrying about 250 people is visiting Southeast Alaska this week. It’s the first of several visits planned this year and next. L’Austral stopped at Petersburg last week. Listen now:

April Breaks Rain Record in Petersburg

The month of May clearly brought more sunshine to the Petersburg area. It is especially noticeable after April, which broke the record for being the rainiest.

Tonka Seafoods Tests Out The Shrimp Market

One of Petersburg’s seafood processors is trying to make a go at shrimp. Tonka Seafoods, Inc. is starting small to see if the market is there for their limited operation. As Angela Denning reports, they should have their answer in a few weeks.

Petersburg Seafood Processor Testing Shrimp Market

One of Petersburg’s seafood processors is trying to make a go at shrimp. Tonka Seafoods is starting small to see if the market is there for their limited operation. They should have their answer in a few weeks.

Petersburg’s New Superintendent Resigns

Petersburg’s school board will be searching for a new superintendent again this year. The superintendent of the school district has resigned after six months on the job. Download Audio

Fall Brown Bear Hunts Proposed Near Petersburg

Some Petersburg residents would like to see a fall brown bear hunt in Unit 3. The Petersburg Fish and Game Advisory Committee has introduced two proposals to expand brown bear hunting near Petersburg. Download Audio

When War Images Are Replaced With Something New

Veterans are being honored Tuesday for the time they have served the country. One Vietnam veteran in Petersburg has found healing by going back to the country that was once only known to him as a place of danger and destruction. Download Audio

Pinks Come In Better Than Expected In Southeast

The summer purse seine season for pink salmon has wrapped up and the harvest is better than expected. Download Audio

More Tourists Expected In Petersburg This Year

More tourists are expected to visit Petersburg this summer than in recent years. Located on Mitkof Island, the small town cannot accommodate large cruise ships because of the shallow channels. But that’s just the sort of thing that some visitors are looking for. Download Audio

Exit Exam Bill Could Bring Diplomas To More Students

Graduation time is just around the corner and for most seniors that means walking a stage and accepting a diploma. But a few students a year in Petersburg do not receive a diploma because they don’t pass a test. A bill making its way through the state Legislature would change that. House Bill 220 would repeal the High School Graduation Qualifying Exam. Download Audio

Health Food, Water Offered Through Petersburg School District Grant

Students’ physical well-being is paramount to how well they perform in school. The Petersburg School District is hoping to improve that through a four-year, $600,000 grant which started this school year. An update on the grant was given to the district’s school board at their last meeting. Download Audio
a student at a computer

Petersburg Sweeps Education Technology Awards

Petersburg School District won three statewide awards for technology in education. The district- and the community -have made computer learning a priority. Download Audio

Troopers Identify Body In Quinhagak

Alaska State Troopers have identified the body that was found in Quinhagak Monday afternoon as that of 25-year-old Lisa Johnson. She had been a missing person since Feb. 2.

USDA Under Secretary Patrice Kunesh Visits Bethel Region

Patrice Kunesh, Under Secretary of the USDA Rural Development, visited the Bethel region Tuesday to see some of the department’s projects in action. Download Audio

YKHC President Retires Amid Controversy With The Board

The Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation employs more than 1,600 people. It’s the largest employer in Bethel and has been led by Gene Peltola Sr. for 24 years. However, the CEO spent this past weekend clearing out his office amid controversy with the board of directors. Download Audio

Rohn Buser Crowned K300 Champion

k300 finish top 6 2014 from KYUK on Vimeo.

Rohn Buser has won his second Kuskokwim 300 title. He arrived in Bethel at 9:18 Sunday morning after a 50-mile run from the final checkpoint of Tuluksak. The 24-year-old Big Lake musher had previously won the 2012 race. Buser outlasted a chasing Jeff King to take the title in a close finish. King finished at 9:25, just seven minutes behind Buser. He was two minutes slower than Buser over the 50 miles into Bethel. Download Audio

State Considers Closing Kusko Salmon Fishing For Most Of June

Subsistence salmon fishing on the Kuskokwim will likely be very different this coming summer. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game is proposing closing subsistence salmon fishing for most of June to protect the King salmon run. State biologists are presenting their plan in a two-day meeting of the Kuskokwim River Salmon Management Working Group in Bethel.