Angela Denning, CoastAlaska

Angela Denning, CoastAlaska

Alaska Made: Sea otter pelts are highly prized, tightly regulated

The sea otter population in Southeast is growing steadily. Alaska Natives are allowed to work the pelts in traditional ways, but production is constrained by regulations.

AK: Petersburg’s Rainforest Festival teaches the public about salmon

The 11th annual Rain Forest Festival wrapped up in Petersburg last weekend. This year’s theme was salmon, but there were many events on and off the water. Listen now

Southeast Alaska’s forests yellow from insect outbreak

Some parts of the forests in Southeast Alaska are a little off color. Hemlock trees are turning yellow and brown from a sawfly outbreak. But scientists say there’s not much to worry about. Listen now

AK: Petersburg High graduate with cerebral palsy ready for new challenges

High school graduates from all over the state are taking the first steps into adulthood, whether that’s furthering their education, entering the workforce, or just exploring life. But one Petersburg graduate has had to overcome challenges to get to this point. Listen now

U.S. Coast Guard to send 8 vessels to Alaska; Petersburg’s will downsize slightly

Six new U.S. Coast Guard fast response cutters will be stationed in Alaska and two new patrol boats will be coming to the state, the Coast Guard announced Wednesday.

New charges are filed in case of Petersburg teens hitting deer

New charges have been filed against two Petersburg teenagers accused of hitting deer with their vehicle this winter. Listen now

Petersburg High School to use alcohol sensor on students for prom

Petersburg’s School District is considering using an alcohol detector at this year’s high school prom to encourage students to stay sober. Listen now

Ferry cancellations cause challenges for Southeast students

There are no roads linking most of Southeast Alaska. Residents rely on planes and ferries to get from one community to another. But the ferry service has been spotty this year, which has caused challenges for many students traveling to regional events. Listen now
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Petersburg teens charged for harassing deer

Charges have been filed against two Petersburg teenagers who allegedly hit multiple deer in town with their truck last week.

Petersburg resident receives medal from King of Norway

A Petersburg resident has been recognized by the King of Norway for her dedication to promoting relations between Norway and the U.S. The Ambassador of Norway to the United States was in Petersburg last week to hand out the Medal of St. Olav. Listen now

New research at LeConte Glacier predicts record retreat

Glaciologists have wrapped up two years of research on LeConte glacier near Petersburg. Their preliminary findings show that the glacier could reach a record retreat by the end of the year. And it could be an indicator for what’s going to happen in Greenland. Listen now

Petersburg’s tribe uses new machine to make compost in bulk

Two things that Petersburg has a lot of are fish and wood. And one thing the local rocky terrain is short on is dirt. But given the right circumstances you can get dirt out of fish and wood. A new business venture by the local tribe, Petersburg Indian Association, has begun to provide the town with locally-made, environmentally friendly compost. Listen now

Commercial fishing for Southeast red king crab to open this fall after six years

Southeast Alaska will open to commercial fishing for red king crab this fall for the first time in six years. The crab population has seen a steady increase, according to state surveys. Listen now

AK: Archaeologists shed light on Tlingit culture near Petersburg, before Europeans

The small island town of Petersburg in Southeast, Alaska is known for its Norwegian heritage. But archaeologists are finding more evidence that Mitkof Island is just like others in the region. Tlingit people had settlements around Petersburg for thousands of years before Europeans planted their roots. Listen now

Southeast summer Dungeness harvest the worst in decades

The commercial harvest for Dungeness crab in Southeast Alaska this summer was the lowest in several decades. But it might not be a complete bust. The harvest numbers only tell part of the story.

Petersburg school uses Minecraft video game in student led program

The video game Minecraft is being used in Petersburg’s 7th grade computer science class to teach students basic programming skills. It’s a student led program that has high schoolers designing the curriculum. Listen now

Remote controlled kayaks ready for research at LeConte Glacier

LeConte Glacier near Petersburg has been the focus of a lot of research lately. It’s the southern-most tide water glacier in the northern hemisphere and scientists have been studying it to give them a better idea of glacial retreat and sea level rise around the world. But to get close to the glacier, which is constantly calving, a team of scientists is relying on unmanned, remote controlled kayaks. Listen now

Fishermen forced to share pounds in herring fishery

New restrictions are being put into place for the upcoming spawn-on-kelp herring fishery in Southeast Alaska to address a declining population. For the first time, fishermen are required to share spawning structures with several others. Listen now

State cuts will stifle Southeast’s economic growth

Southeast Alaska has seen economic growth in the last five years but that growth could soon be stalled by state budget cuts. That was the message being shared at the Southeast Conference going on in Petersburg this week. Listen Now

Two people help preserve the history of Alaska’s canned seafood

There used to be hundreds of seafood canneries all along Alaska’s coastline. Two people are involved in documenting and preserving some of that rich history in order to share it with others.