Angela Denning, CoastAlaska

Angela Denning, CoastAlaska

Southwest Hydro Project Hits Roadblock

The Chikuminuk Lake Hydropower project in Southwest Alaska has hit a road block early on. A permit request for field studies has been denied by the State Department of Natural Resources because the project is in the Wood-Tikchik State Park.

AVCP Requests Clemency For Cited Kuskokwim Subsistence Fishermen

The Association of Village Council Presidents is officially asking for clemency for Kuskokwim River subsistence fishermen cited during closures. AVCP represents 56 tribes in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta.

Kuskokwim Subsistence Fishermen Going To Trial For Fishing With Illegal Gear

About two dozen Kuskokwim River subsistence fishermen will go to trial in the Bethel Court House after pleading not guilty to fishing with illegal gear. Federal and State wildlife managers closed the Kuskokwim to salmon fishing for an unprecedented 12 days this summer in order to protect the low Chinook salmon run.

Delegation Seeks Federal Disaster Declaration To Address Subsistence Needs

The Chinook salmon runs are turning out to be poor on both the Yukon and Kuskowkim Rivers this season. Alaska’s Congressional Delegation is seeking a federal disaster declaration to address subsistence needs in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta.

Officials Hesitant To Open Commercial Chinook Fishery On Lower Kuskokwim

The Chum and Sockeye salmon are running strong in the Lower Kuskokwim River, but state fish managers are reluctant to call a commercial fishery as they normally would. There are too many coveted Chinook salmon still running, and protecting that species is this year’s priority.

Salmon Fishing Restrictions Down

As the Sockeye and Chum runs pick up on the Kuskokwim River, salmon fishing restrictions have eased for lower river fishers. Download Audio

Officials Monitoring Subsistence Closures

The poor King run and subsistence closures in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Rivers have State and Federal officials monitoring the situation from afar.

Officials Issue 33 Citations For Illegal Fishing On Kuskokwim

Alaska Wildlife Troopers and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service seized 21 nets and more than 1,000 pounds of salmon along the Kuskokwim River yesterday. They also handed out 33 citations to fishermen protesting the subsistence King salmon closures. KYUK’s Angela Denning-Barnes got out on the river and spoke with some residents as they fished.

Subsistence Users Protesting Kuskokwim Closures

Subsistence fishing for King salmon is happening on the Kuskokwim River to protest the closures currently in place.

Kuskokwim Hit With Another Salmon Fishing Closure

Kuskokwim subsistence fishermen are getting hit with a double whammy. Another emergency salmon fishing closure has been announced, extending the current closures to 12 days. The fishing restriction is controversial and was not approved by a regional advisory group of fishers.

Subsistence Salmon Fishing Closed For Week On Kuskokwim

Week long salmon fishing closures went into effect Sunday for subsistence fishers on the Kuskokwim River. It’s the second year in a row that subsistence fishing during the King salmon run has been restricted on the river.

Calista Corporation Reschedules Shareholder Meeting

Calista, the Native Corporation for the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, has canceled its annual shareholder meeting this month and re-scheduled it five months later.

Subsistence Restrictions Likely On Kuskokwim River

The salmon season has started in the Kuskokwim River area with the first Chinook salmon caught near Quinhagak Thursday morning. Over the past two years, the Kuskokwim River has experienced the lowest King salmon numbers in history. There could be more restrictions on subsistence fishing this year.

Kuskokwim River Breakup Less Extreme Than Expected

Although dozens of people were evacuated, breakup on the Lower Kuskokwim River was a lot less eventful than what experts had expected.

Breakup Proving Tough On Kwethluk

Breakup has been harder on the Lower Kuskokwim than the Upper River this year. Fifteen miles upriver of Bethel, the village of Kwethluk is flooding in all low lying areas. It has been for a few days now. Thirty-one elderly and chronic care patients were evacuated to Bethel before waters closed off the airport road.

BLM Meeting With Kuskokwim Communities About Red Devil Mine Contamination

The Bureau of Land Management is meeting with communities along the Kuskowkim River to talk about contamination leftover from the Red Devil mercury mine.

Hooper Bay Man Get s $500,000 For Tasering

A man from the Bering Sea village of Hooper Bay has been awarded a half million dollars for being excessively tasered by village police officers.

Bethel Court Struggles With Judge Vacancies

The Bethel Court House serves more than 50 communities in the Yukon Kuskokwim Delta. Now, it is struggling with judge vacancies with three out of its four judgeships soon to be empty.

Federal Agencies Meeting With Alaska Tribes

Multiple federal agencies are planning to meet with Alaska’s tribes on a government to government basis. Regional meetings are being planned all over the state but the first one is in Bethel Friday at the Yupiit cultural center. It includes tribal delegates from the region’s 56 villages.

Bethel Judge Removed From Bench

For the first time in Alaska history, there is a recommendation to remove a judge from the bench, permanently.