AKPM Staff

AKPM Staff

Alaska News Nightly: June 28, 2007

This is the complete story list and audio recording from today’s Alaska News Nightly, as broadcast on APRN stations statewide. Anderson corruption trial delves into secret recordings and alleged under-the-table deals Steve Heimel, APRN - Anchorage The...

Alaska climate change may require $3 to $6 billion in public infrastructure by 2030

The University of Alaska Anchorage Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) released a report today that for the first time calculates the future costs to federal, state and local governments as the climate...

Lake Minchumina residents petition USPS to maintain postal services

Residents of Lake Minchumina, in the Interior, are trying to convince the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) not to pull out of the community. On Tuesday, USPS officials went to Lake Minchumina to hear residents'...

Anchorage Hillside homeowners target of new campaign to keep bears out of trash

Today officials in Anchorage announced a new effort to keep bears out of trash cans. The Fish and Game Department says between one and three bears has to be put down in the city...

Caribou Hills fire growing, but now 61% contained and away from occupied areas

The Caribou Hills fire that has been burning for more than a week in the interior of the western Kenai Peninsula is now 61% contained. Meanwhile residents in the area have returned to discover...

Opening statements made in the Anderson trial

Opening statements were heard by a jury of eight women and four men this afternoon in the corruption trial of former state legislator Tom Anderson. Steve Heimel, APRN - Anchorage

U.S. House maintains rules on polar bear trophy importations from Canadian hunting

Today, the U.S. House defeated an amendment that would have effectively barred importation of polar bear parts from sport hunting in Canada. Washington State Democrat Jay Inslee argued the Canada sport hunting exemption in...

Alaska News Nightly: June 27, 2007

This is the complete story list and audio recording from today’s Alaska News Nightly, as broadcast on APRN stations statewide. Alaska climate change may require $3 to $6 billion in public infrastructure by 2030 Lori Townsend,...

Bethel test fishery on the Kuskokwim gathering genetic data and more

The salmon season has started for much of the state, and in Bethel the start of the Kuskokwim salmon runs also brings the start of a project that keeps track of all the details. Angela...

Late May hunting expedition bags third largest bear in Alaska records

Alaska's Fish and Game department began a record of bear kill statistics in 1960. Since that time, about 4,500 bears have entered the books. About three weeks ago one of the largest bears on...

Anchorage Schools' request to move sports date denied

Alaska School Activities Association board rejected an Anchorage School District request to hold the Region IV Cross Country Championships on a Sunday rather on the originally-scheduled Saturday, September 22nd. The Saturday event conflicts with...

Bristol Bay salmon ecology getting a closer look via bugs and mud

Researchers have spent a lot of money and time studying the salmon that migrate in and out of Bristol Bay. But very little is known about other aspects of Bay's ecology. Johanna Eurich, KDLG -...

Alaska's 'Bring the Kids Home' project gets new leader

The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services has a new coordinator for the "Bring the Kids Home" project. The program works to bring young people back to Alaska who are in residential psychiatric...

Murkowski investigates federal efforts to reduce fire fuels and manage fire fighting

The Caribou Hills fire is one of two large blazes in the nation today in which federal officials are directly involved. It could be the harbinger of more fire suppression activity on the Kenai...

Caribou Hills fire continues, but containment gaining ground

The federal government will pick up some of the cost for fighting the fires on the Kenai Peninsula. Meanwhile, cooler, wetter weather on the Kenai Peninsula has allowed firefighters battling the 55,000-acre Caribou Hills...

Alaska House passes bill for 'Alaska Senior Benefits'

The state House today passed a bill that funds the newly-named Alaska Senior Benefits payment program. An amendment passed to the bill that increased the amount currently paid to eligible seniors. Lori Townsend, APRN -...

Alaska News Nightly: June 26, 2007

This is the complete story list and audio recording from today’s Alaska News Nightly, as broadcast on APRN stations statewide. Alaska House passes bill for 'Alaska Senior Benefits' Lori Townsend, APRN - Anchorage The state House today...

Talk of Alaska: National Parks in the 21st Century

What should our National Parks look like in their second century? Should you be able to use your cell phone or BlackBerry in a national park? Should our young people have more opportunities to...

Anchorage senior hoping for resurrection of senior benefits

Alaska elders are anxiously awaiting tomorrow's special legislative session that will decide whether or not funding for the Senior Care program continues, is increased or goes away all together. Rita Hatch is 78 years...

Coghill opposes Senior Care extension

North Pole Republican John Coghill is against extending Senior Care. He does not support continuing the Senior benefits program ntil the bureaucracy is trimmed back. Libby Casey, KUAC - Fairbanks (read by Lori Townsend, APRN)