AKPM Staff

AKPM Staff

Preview: Talk of Alaska for Tue, July 17

Coming up Tuesday, July 17 at 10:00 a.m. on Talk of Alaska... Anchorage will host the World Eskimo-Indian Olympics (WEIO) for the first time in the event's 46-year history beginning July 18, 2007. The four-day...

Retreating Arctic sea ice shifting polar bear denning behaviors

A new study shows polar bears in northern Alaska are denning on land a lot more than they used to. Male polar bears don't hibernate, but pregnant females hole up in the winter to...

Fish farming policy for federal waters proposed, debated

Congress held its first hearing today on the latest version of a Bush Administration proposal to allow aquaculture in federal ocean waters. Conrad Lautenbacher, head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), appeared...

Arctic Economic Development Summit wraps up in Kotzebue

The fifth Arctic Economic Development Summit in Kotzebue wrapped up yesterday. Approximately 200 North Slope Borough and Northwest Arctic Borough participants left the three-day gathering more confident they could preserve their traditional lifestyle while...

Preserving Native culture via traditional language a key focus for ICYC

The Inuit Circumpolar Youth Council has made native language revitalization one of its top priorities. A special weekend meeting in Kotzebue focused on instilling the urgency of learning traditional languages. Amy Flaherty, KNOM - Nome

Bitney moves from Governor's office to House Speaker's office

The Governor's former Legislative Liaison has changed uniforms. John Bitney began work yesterday on the staff of House Speaker John Harris. The move came just before new ethics rules took effect in Alaska, barring...

Innovative hazardous waste treatment service proposed for Anchorage

The Pacific Environment Corporation (PENCO) is in the preliminary stages of seeking permits to build the first hazardous waste storage, treatment and disposal facility in Anchorage. The facility would use super-heated fluids to break...

The "finest kind" of seafood leads to marketing success

Direct marketing is nothing new for fishermen Outside who live closer to markets, but in Bristol Bay it poses major challenges. We profile of one fishing captain making it work: Charley Gordon. Johanna Eurich, KDLG...

Alaska News Nightly: July 12, 2007

Below is the complete story list and audio from today's Alaska News Nightly, as broadcast on APRN stations statewide. Individual stories are available in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to our...

APRN reporters in action

APRN's reporters have been busy lately and they've been caught on film around the web doing what they do best. David Shurtleff David was covering the Tom Anderson corruption trial and chased Anderson and his lawyer...

Murkowski and Stevens sign on to global warming bill

For the first time, Alaska senators Lisa Murkowski and Ted Stevens today put their names on a bill that would make mandatory cuts in greenhouse gas emissions. In return, the bill would set up...

Climate change affecting National Parks in Alaska

Evidence of climate change is not limited to sea ice and coastal zones in Alaska. A report just out examines the effects of warming on many of our state's National Parks. Ellen Lockyer, APRN -...

Last month's education ruling may lead to more state control of local schools

The legislative task force charged with developing with an equitable and adequate way to pay for education in Alaska heard a case today for taking over more management oversight of some school districts. Dave Donaldson,...

Stranded marine mammals get their own hotline in Alaska

Government agencies, non-government organizations and individuals across the state of Alaska have collaborated to set up a stranded marine mammal hotline. Mike Mason, KBBI - Homer

BIA may move offices from Juneau to Anchorage

The Alaska regional office for the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is considering a move from Juneau to Anchorage, possibly within the next few months. BIA regional director Nils Cesar says all other Department...

Anita Bay enhanced fishery returns exceeding expectations

Returns are exceeding expectations this summer at the Anita Bay enhanced fishery in Southeast. The terminal harvest area is about 15 miles southwest of Wrangell and is operated by the Southeast Alaska Regional Aquaculture...

Dillingham's 'Dancing Salmon' stepping out with 20 tons of premium fish

Three generations process fish at Dancing Salmon -- a small boutique processor and smokehouse in Dillingham selling their top-quality fish products to buyers in Boston and Virginia. Johanna Eurich, KDLG - Dillingham

Alaska News Nightly: July 11, 2007

Below is the complete story list and audio from today's Alaska News Nightly, as broadcast on APRN stations statewide. Individual stories are available in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to our...

Disappearing polar sea ice leading toward increasing polar traffic

A three-day symposium on the naval and maritime effects of diminishing Arctic sea ice kicked off today in Washington, D.C. The U.S. Navy, the Coast Guard, NOAA and the Arctic Research Commission are sponsoring...

Denali Kid Care health coverage expanded

More low-income children and pregnant women have access to medical care through a bill Governor Palin signed into law last night. The bill renews the Denali Kid Care program and extends coverage to an...