AKPM Staff

AKPM Staff

APOC probing VECO elections influence

The Alaska Public Offices Commission (APOC) held an emergency meeting this afternoon to discuss their investigation of VECO's potential illegal financial ties to past and present state lawmakers. The probe comes just weeks after...

Legislators Gara and French asking ethical questions of major oil companies

Two Alaska lawmakers are calling on major oil companies to disclose whether they coordinated with VECO while the company's executives were bribing state legislators in 2006. Senator Hollis French and Representative Les Gara sent...

Juneau water fluoridation on the ballot

If money talks, then the most controversial item on Juneau's October ballot is Proposition 2. It aims to put fluoride back in Juneau's drinking water. The Alaska Public Offices Commission (APOC) reports that supporters...

Mat-Su District 1 election a choice between candidates and land uses

Sutton's Lynne Woods faces a challenge by Butte resident Bruce Walden for the Mat-Su Borough's District 1 Assembly seat. The race highlights the division in voters' attitudes regarding burgeoning Valley growth. Ellen Lockyer, APRN -...

Fairbanks setting fires today to control fires tomorrow

The State Division of Forestry is burning trees and brush in areas bulldozed to create wildfire breaks. Fire Management Officer Robert Schmoll says the areas around Fairbanks were identified in a community protection plan...

Anchorage's Glenn Highway expanding to six lanes along Merrill Field

Late last week in Anchorage a new project to expand the Glenn Highway from four to six lanes took a visible and noisy step forward. Photos by Len Anderson. View more photos Len Anderson, KSKA -...

Stream repairs in Southeast expanding salmon spawning sites

Efforts are underway in several parts of Southeast Alaska to repair salmon habitat damaged by logging. Work crews are tearing up roads, replacing culverts and repairing streams to give mature salmon more places to...

Alaska News Nightly: October 1, 2007

Alaska lawmakers look at whether major oil producers coordinated with VECO while the company was bribing legislators last year. Plus, Juneau residents consider returning fluoride to city water in a hotly-debated local election issue....

Preview: Talk of Alaska — Tue, Oct 2

Coming up Tuesday, October 2 at 10:00 a.m. on Talk of Alaska... Every culture fells threatened by some idea or other, and many cultures ban books. Bloggers on the internet can say whatever they want,...


It's that time of year again -- time for the Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD). And in its honor, we give a little TLC to the PFD. We'll find out how the whole thing works...

White powder triggers Anchorage building lock-down

Photo by David Shurtleff A building in downtown Anchorage was put on lock-down for most of this afternoon because of an anthrax scare. The scare came at the Brady Building, which houses the Department of...

Soldier guilty of planting evidence, but not murder

A military panel has found a Fort Richardson soldier not guilty of two counts of murdering unarmed Iraqis. Specialist Jorge Sandoval was acquitted of the charges this morning in Baghdad, but was found guilty...

Big crab harvest expected in Bristol Bay this winter

State regulators are planning for a booming winter season in the Bering Sea this year, with harvest levels for red king crab set higher than they've been since crab stocks crashed in the early...

VPSO shortage vexing villages

Alaska's Village Public Safety Officer (VPSO) Senate Task Force heard sobering testimony this week at the Bering Strait Regional Conference in Nome about the toll taken on villages with no law enforcement. Paul Korchin, KNOM...

Alaska Native leaders working with Census to get better 2010 numbers

The director of the Census Bureau heard from Alaska Native leaders about some of the problems from past census counts identified by Native people. The Bureau is talking to tribes across the nation to...

AFN President focusing on business development for rural Native areas

Earlier this week, Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) President Julie Kitka spoke to the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce about recent Indian Affairs committee hearings in Washington focused on the need to diversify Native economies. Lori...

MCI long distance cards still recharging in Alaska

The MCI cards that Alaskans purchased through Costco are still in operation -- at least for a while. Verizon, the company that sold the cards had discontinued them and told Alaskan users that after...

Mat-Su District 2 Assembly seat up for grabs by Houston or Liener

Two men are vying for District Two's empty Mat-Su Borough Assembly seat. Pete Houston and John Liener both have development issues at the heart of their election campaigns. Mat-Su voters will choose between them...

Bear Fortress gets second furry resident

A non-profit bear habitat in Sitka has acquired its second resident. The 100-pound orphaned brown bear cub will join his sibling at the Fortress of the Bear almost two months after their mother was...

Alaska News Nightly: September 28, 2007

Officials are investigating a suspicious white substance at the Department of Law building in downtown Anchorage. Plus, the Census Bureau works to ensure it accurately counts Alaska's Native population in 2010. Those stories and...