AKPM Staff

AKPM Staff

Anchorage Police net nearly $300,000 for Internet crimes enforcement

The Anchorage Police Department has just received a nearly $300,000 federal grant to use for investigations into Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC). Len Anderson, KSKA - Anchorage

GCI buys UU in YK

GCI is buying United Utilities, Inc. and all of their subsidiary companies, such as Unicom and United KUC. GCI is the largest telecommunications company in Alaska, and if the deal is approved it will...

BuyAlaska.com launches to promote in-state spending

A new website is hoping to keep millions of Alaskan dollars within the state's economy. BuyAlaska.com was launched yesterday. Director Stella Josephine says it's intended to promote Alaskan businesses and to make it easier...

Alaska News Nightly: October 19, 2007

The legislature's special session enters its second day and lawmakers consider whether they have to end in vote to satisfy the voters. Meanwhile, Arctic researchers and Icelanders look at Alaska's geothermal energy potential. Plus,...

Expert presents oil tax recommendations to Alaska — again

The legislature is getting ready to gavel in it’s special session to deal with Governor Palin’s proposed rewrite of the oil and gas taxes that went into effect last year. As a background for...

Kohring's attack on evidence dismissed

A federal court judge has ruled that the government will be able to use evidence against Vic Kohring that was collected when they raided his legislative office last year. David Shurtleff, APRN - Anchorage

Alaska Native impacts exposed to U.S. House climate committee

Alaska Native leader Mike Williams today urged Congress to move soon on legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Williams is a Akiak village leader, Vice Chairman of the Alaska Intertribal Council and a board...

Alaska Territorial Guard disbanded 60 years ago today

Today marks the 60th anniversary of the disbanding of the Alaska Territorial Guard. It was a unit of about 6,600 mostly Native men and boys who were given guns and told to protect their...

State releases fish contaminant study; offers eating guidelines

The State of Alaska this week released results of a study measuring contaminant levels in Alaskan fish. Dr. Bob Gerlach is the state veterinarian. Gerlach says the study is the culmination of work that...

Greenhouse gas cap-and-trade bill introduced to U.S. Senate

A bipartisan bill to cap greenhouse gas emissions and set up a credit trading system to regulate them was unveiled in the U.S. Senate today. The proposal is by Connecticut Independent Democrat Joe Lieberman...

Toshiba taking Galena nuclear plant design to NRC next week

A public meeting next Tuesday should answer some questions about how long it might take, and how much it might cost, to put a small nuclear power plant in Galena. The Japanese industrial giant...

Washington county proposes hydro plant for Petersburg, Alaska

Two weeks after submitting an application to federal regulators, officials with Whatcom county in Washington have publically announced their interest in a private company’s proposal to develop hydro-electric power plants in Thomas Bay near...

Juneau now participating in regional landfill exploration

The Juneau Assembly has taken a step toward helping start a regional landfill authority for Southeast Alaska. Assemblyman Bob Doll asked the assembly to contribute $5,000 to a regional working group that wants to...

Alaska News Nightly: October 18, 2007

An international oil tax expert lectures the legislature on the eve of the Special Session. Meanwhile, former legislator Vic Kohring's legislative corruption case moves ahead as his evidence complaints are tossed out of court....

Kohring headed for trial on Monday

Former lawmaker Vic Kohring was back in court this morning. It was the final conference between the defense and prosecution before his corruption trial officially gets underway on Monday. David Shurtleff, APRN - Anchorage

Alaska Guard soldiers back in the U.S.; almost home

A welcome home ceremony for Alaska Army National Guard soldiers in the 297th infantry was held this morning at Camp Shelby, Mississippi. The group include 130 soldiers from Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta communities who have been...

Family ready for soldier's return

Martha Cervantes is eagerly waiting to have her youngest brother Floyd Herman Ticket home from his Kuwait deployment. Cervantes says the year-long absence has been hard. Lori Townsend, APRN - Anchorage

Red king crab fleet finally launching onto Bering Sea

After a few days of Bristol Bay red king crab price negotiations, the Bering Sea crab fleet has been given the green light to go fishing as of this afternoon. Charles Homans, KIAL - Unalaska

NOAA updates Arctic climate report to reflect wildlife losses and permafrost melting

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and a team of scientists today issued an update of the State of the Arctic report they put out last year. And they’re finding that climate change...

U.S. House hears updated science on climate change impacts in the Arctic

A U.S .House science subcommittee heard testimony today about the impact climate change is having on polar bears, permafrost, the Greenland ice sheet and other aspects of the Arctic. Dr. Richard Alley, an influential...