AKPM Staff

AKPM Staff

Replacing Diesel with Biomass in the Interior

Villages in the Yukon Flats are moving ahead with a regional plan to turn local trees into heat and electricity. The Council of Athabascan Tribal Governments is working with other native groups and state...

Encounters' Richard Nelson to produce polar series

A Southeast Alaska author and producer will spend the next few years traveling the Earth's polar regions. Sitka's Richard Nelson will create a series of radio reports about science in the far north --...

Alaska News Nightly: October 25, 2007

BP has agreed to pay $20 million in fines for actions -- and inactions -- related to last year's oil pipeline spill on the North Slope, but Alaska leaders are wondering if $20 million...

Secret video and audio evidence presented to Kohring jury

Day three of the corruption trial of former state representative Vic Kohring has come to a close. And today, the jury got a look at secret video and audio tapes captured by the FBI...

Senate President dismisses Allen/Kohring election connection

U.S. Attorney Joseph Bottini yesterday said he intends to show the federal jury that former VECO chairman Bill Allen's influence over former legislator Vic Kohring went beyond oil industry interests -- saying he twice...

U.N. 'Law of the Sea' treaty threatened by U.S. Senate Republicans

Some conservative U.S. Senate Republicans -- including at least three party leaders -- are threatening once again to hold up the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Joel Southern, APRN - Washington,...

Murkowski habitat shuffle may be reversed by Palin

The Palin administration may make some changes to the state agency that oversees fish and wildlife habitat. As part of the Department of Natural Resources, the Office of Habitat Management and Permitting considers the...

Alcohol taxes may jump 100% in Fairbanks

Fairbanks bars and restaurants say a proposed doubling of the city alcohol tax could drain their already thinning business. But mayor Steve Thompson says it's needed to help pay for this year's sizable budget...

McCandless bus draws ABC TV crew; locals vexed by risky tourism

Marc Patterson approaches the McCandless bus site with ABC technician in tow; you can view the original Nightline story and photos online (photo by ABC News) A Canadian man who made national news for his...

Sitka Tribe celebrates totem pole unveiling

For the Sitka Tribe of Alaska (STA), hope comes in the shape of a brightly-painted 12-foot red cedar totem pole dedicated to peace. The Tribe unveiled the pole last weekend in honor of National...

Alaska's 'El Capitan' offers view into 420 million years of natural history

Hopping into a hole in the ground isn't everyone's idea of a good time. But for some, it's an out-of-this-world -- or under-this-world -- experience. Only one natural cavern in Alaska is open to...

Alaska News Nightly: October 24, 2007

The jury in the Vic Kohring corruption trial began watching secretly-taped FBI recordings today. Plus, go deep into the largest known cave in Alaska, thousands of years after a brown bear walked the same...

Kohring trial begins

Today, federal prosecutors told a jury how they plan to prove that former state representative Vic Kohring took bribes from VECO Incorporated CEO Bill Allen and Vice President Rick Smith. Steve Heimel, APRN - Anchorage

State House searches for oil tax solution

The Minority and Majorities in the State House of Representatives today opened talks on an alternative tax plan that might get enough support to show some success by the end of the special session. Dave...

State Democrats launch RetireTed.com

First, Alaska Democrats set up a website calling on voters to "Drop Don" Young in next year's congressional elections. And now they're going after Alaska’s embattled senior Senator with a new website called RetireTed.com....

Pollock quotas dropping

A seafood industry publication reports today that Bering Sea pollock quotas will be set lower than previously expected next year. That’s based on early data from this year’s pollock surveys presented at a European...

Alaska natives talk oil in DC

Alaska Natives worried about oil development on and off the North Slope are in Washington, DC this week to voice their concerns to lawmakers and Bush Administration officials. Joel Southern, APRN - Washington, DC

AFN gears up in Fairbanks

The Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) Conference officially kicks off in downtown Fairbanks on Thursday. In preparation for the event, the Elders and Youth Conference -- put on by the First Alaskans Institute --...

Tlingit bones to be returned

Ancient human remains dug out of a Southeast Alaska cave will be reburied where they were found more than a decade ago. Details have yet to be worked out, but the Tlingit groups that...

BP makes progress with spill clean up

State officials expect the latest pipeline spill at Prudhoe Bay to be completely cleaned up by the end of the week. The idled BP flow line ruptured last week when it shifted during the...