AKPM Staff

AKPM Staff

Mushers ready for 2009 Iditarod

67 teams are preparing for tomorrow's ceremonial Iditarod start in downtown Anchorage. The real thousand mile race to Nome begins Sunday in Willow. The field is significantly smaller than last year, when 96 teams...

Special Coast Guard stike team works to prevent leaking from grounded vessel

The Coast Guard called in a special strike team to prevent oil, fuel, and other pollutants from leaking out of a grounded vessel in the Pribilofs. The 112-foot Mar-Gun went aground on the north...

Lituya back in service

The state ferry Lituya resumed sailing yesterday. The vessel has been out of service since it blew away from Metlakatla in late January and grounded on nearby rocks. Hull and other repairs were completed...

Alaska News Nightly: March 6, 2009

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN's news feeds via e-mail, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3, 30 min) Former Don Young aide indicted Associated Press, Anchorage A grand...

Senate clears way for changes in Endangered Species Act

The Senate has cleared the way for the Obama Administration to reverse changes made to the Endangered Species Act under President Bush.  Today the Senate voted down an amendment sponsored by Alaska Senators Lisa...

Legislature reaches halfway point

The legislature today has passed the half-way mark of this year’s 90-day session.  So far, members have passed and sent to the governor one bill - a housekeeping measure that extends the Joint Armed...

State Department of Transportation receives $175 million in stimulus funds

The state Transportation Department has received $175 million in economic stimulus funds from Congress. Rebecca Sheir, KTOO - Juneau Download Audio

5 men rescued off grounded fishing vessel

The Coast Guard successfully rescued 5 men off of a grounded fishing vessel this morning on St. George Island. The 112-foot Mar-Gun contacted the Coast Guard at 4:11 am saying they were grounded near...

Rabid dog discovered in Anchorage

State health officials say a trainer and five others who had close contact with a rabid dog are receiving shots to prevent rabies. The dog was rescued from a village in the Yukon Kuskokwim...

Alaska Airlines begins in-flight Wi-Fi service

Alaska Airlines has begun offering wireless internet service on one of its jets. But it will be about a year before Wi-Fi is available on most Alaska routes. Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska - Juneau Download Audio

Anyone for candidate speed dating

Last night in Anchorage, young professionals offered a glimpse into the tech savvy generation's idea of a candidate's forum. An evening of Mayoral speed dating was organized by Institute of the North's Alaska dialogue...

Senator Murkowski receives national NCAI award

Senator Lisa Murkowski was honored by the National Congress of American Indians this week.  NCAI gave Murkowski its Congressional Leadership Award at a Washington DC ceremony Monday night.  It’s the first time an Alaskan...

Alaska News Nightly: March 5, 2009

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN's news feeds via e-mail, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3, 30 min) Senate clears way for changes in Endangered Species...

Rural Alaska seeks long term solutions to economic challenges

Groceries and fuel dollars are pouring into rural Alaska from as far away as New York and New Zealand.  Village residents say the aid will make a big difference this winter. And they want...

Alaskans weigh in on state operating budget

Alaskans asked lawmakers to remember children in the state as they debate a nearly $10 billion spending bill for next year. The House Finance Committee just wrapped up two days of public testimony on...

President Obama halts Bush changes to the Endangered Species Act

Obama has temporarily halted a Bush Administration change to the Endangered Species Act.  The president issued a memo yesterday saying federal agencies working on projects that may affect an endangered species will again have...

Alaska Natives weigh in on offshore drilling with the Obama Administration

A group of Alaskans carried a message of “no offshore drilling” to Washington, DC this week.  About 20 Inupiat, Yupik, and Gwich’in people traveled from Alaska and Canada’s northwest to tell Congress and the...

Board of Game discusses predator control

The Alaska Board of Game meetings continued today in Anchorage. The morning session dealt with proposals for Southcentral Alaska. Board members grappled with how to control what appears to be a growing brown...

Sexual abuse claims against Jesuits have broad repercussions for several Northwest colleges

Abuse claims from Alaskans who say they were victimized by Jesuit priests might affect the future of colleges in Washington State. Attorneys have begun the long process of adding up the assets and debts...

Environmental groups sue to block logging near Ketchikan

Six environmental organizations are suing to block logging in an area east of Ketchikan. They say it would waste money and damage wildlife habitat.  The timber industry says the Orion North timber sale would...