AKPM Staff

AKPM Staff

Alaska News Nightly: December 3, 2007

Anchorage police have a man in custody who's admitted to a string of violent attacks over the last two days that resulted in two deaths and three serious injuries. Plus, two companies expected to...

AK: Leftovers

This week we're reaching into the back of the fridge and pulling out the leftovers. We'll attend a Leftovers Party in Fairbanks, and make sure nothing's left over at an Anchorage taxidermy shop. Plus,...

ConocoPhillips submits gasline proposal

Governor Sarah Palin will announce within the hour which companies have submitted applications to build a natural gas pipeline. They must meet the state's requirements in the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act (AGIA). But today,...

FBI releases phone recordings of McGuire

After days of denying its existence, the FBI has released audio of State Senator Lesil McGuire allegedly trying to intimidate a federal witness. McGuire is the wife of convicted former legislator Tom Anderson. ...

Senator Murkowski holds hearing on care of returning soldiers

Senator Lisa Murkowski listened to vets, VA and health care officials today in Anchorage during a field hearing on health care for soldiers returning from Kuwait and Iraq. Murkowski is vice chair of the...

A Lamprey revival?

Photos courtesy Kwik'pak Fisheries A western Alaska fish buyer is trying to build a market for an ancient creature that might otherwise swim unnoticed at the bottom of icy rivers this time of year. The...

Anchorage Assembly passes budget

After much debate, positioning and perhaps a bit of posturing,  the Anchorage Assembly has adopted a compromising mood and approved the Municipal Budget for 2008. Len Anderson, KSKA - Anchorage

Dealing with growing garbage in Juneau

The Juneau Assembly has "conceptually approved" a strategy to provide curbside recycling to city residents. Solid-waste consultants told Juneau officials yesterday the city shouldn't be alarmed by the rising plateau of garbage at its...

Alaska News Nightly: November 30, 2007

Conoco Phillips puts in a bid to build the Alaska gas pipeline; The Anchorage Assembly passes a hard-fought budget, and Savoonga gets ready for wind power. Those stories and more on tonight's Alaska News...

BP fined $20 million for Prudhoe Bay oil spill

Oil giant BP plead guilty today to a federal environmental crime stemming from an oil spill at Prudhoe Bay last year. The company was sentenced to three years probation, and will pay $20 million...

DNC hopes to access Federal dollars for coastal impact assistance

The state department of Natural Resources coastal management program is working on a plan to access nearly $2.5 million per year over the next 4 years for coastal impact assistance. Lori Townsend, APRN - Anchorage

Cruise ship initiative sponsors ratchet up pressure on the state

The Ocean Rangers program that was passed in 2006 as part of the state's cruise ship initiative has yet to be fully implemented. And the wastewater discharge permit which the law mandates hasn't been...

Two Anchorage clinics for low-income patients may close

Financial concerns are forcing the Anchorage Neighborhood Health Center to consider shutting down one of its two clinics in the city. The center currently serves uninsured and low-income patients. Its the only medical...

Illegal immigrant proposal swept aside by Anchorage Assembly

In a surprise vote, the Anchorage Assembly has postponed indefinitely consideration of a proposed ordinance to capture illegal immigrants in the area. Those troubled by the proposal said it was unnecessary...

Cocaine smuggling plot uncovered

The Alaska State Troopers announced they uncovered a plot to transport cocaine to Tanana from Fairbanks on a commuter airplane. Working on an anonymous tip the state troopers identified two airline employees in...

Mayor of Fairbanks offers plan to balance the city budget

The new Fairbanks mayor, Terry Strle, is having to make some tough choices to balance the budget. Strle released her proposal yesterday. Ben Markus, KUAC - Fairbanks

Restoration sale of timber could be a sign of things to come

A small timber sale on the Sitka road system this fall was the first of that the local ranger district hopes is many so-called “restoration” sales. Seventy-seven trees were taken from the Starrigavan...

Alaska News Nightly: November 29, 2007

BP gets fined $20 million for last year's north slope oil spill; 2 clinics for low-income patients may have to close, and troopers uncover a cocaine-smuggling plot. Those stories and more on tonight's Alaska...

Alaska birds included on national watch list

Twenty types of birds that breed or live much of the time in Alaska are included in a watch list of the nation’s most imperiled bird species. It was put out today by the...

New genetic link ties native peoples in North America and Siberia

A new study finds a genetic link for many Native people in North America with certain populations in Siberia. University of Michigan genetics professor Noah Rosenberg was a principal author of the study. He...