AKPM Staff

AKPM Staff

Web Extra: Louise Hogarth Interview

In addition to the brief interview featured in tonight's Alaska News Nightly, we're offering this extended version of our chat with filmmaker Louise Hogarth, creator of the film Angels in the Dust, focused on...

Search continues for missing Medivac flight

The search continues this evening for medical helicopter that went missing last night on its way from Cordova to Anchorage's Providence Hospital. There were four unidentified people on-board the ambulance flight, which is thought...

Gasline plans causing controversy

Two of the five applications the state received for assistance in developing a gas pipeline from the North Slope would open the possibility of exporting liquefied natural gas while not making it exclusively for...

Land swap could lead to protection

Top managers with the Alaska Mental Health Trust and the Forest Service have been discussing a land swap in southeast Alaska. The details are still in the works, but it could result in some...

Stevens pushing for erosion funding

Following recent meetings in Anchorage about how to tackle erosion caused by climate change, Senator Ted Stevens is pressing the Army Corps of Engineers and the White House Office of Management and Budget to...

Projects may boost ferry usage

State and federal officials expect to complete two key southeast Alaska highway projects next summer. Both could increase use of the region’s newest ferry route. Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska - Juneau

Rare waterspout sighting in waters north of Juneau

A seldom-seen and almost-mythical object of mariner lore was spotted several times in Lynn Canal yesterday. A pilot reported observing a waterspout about seven miles northwest of Point Bridge, adjacent to Berner’s Bay. Matt Miller,...

Wolves worrying pet owners

A wolf pack roaming an area east of Fairbanks has likely figured out that dogs are an easy meal. Wolves there have killed 2 pet dogs in recent weeks and tried to carry off...

GCI to compete in the bush

That state has given telecommunications company GCI the go ahead to compete in rural Alaska. Ben Markus, KUAC - Fairbanks

Film highlights HIV/AIDS crisis in South Africa

The cold and dark of the Alaska winter may seem very far removed from South Africa. But a documentary showing tonight as part of the Anchorage International Film Festival is aimed at bringing the...

Alaska News Nightly: December 4, 2007

The Coast Guard is searching for an air ambulance helicopter that went missing between Cordova and Anchorage last night with four people on board. Plus, dog owners in the Fairbanks area are being...

Talk of Alaska: Eyewitness to Global Warming

World leaders meet this month in Bali (December 4 to 14) to begin work on a new treaty to succeed the Kyoto Agreement on limiting emissions of greenhouse gases. The United States called the...

Violent Anchorage crime spree ends; suspect admits to shootings

A Monday morning car-jacking chase in Anchorage resulted in police apprehending a man originally sought for the Sunday killing of his father near Palmer. Now the man is also charged with an Anchorage murder...

AGIA draws proposals from five companies, oil giants not among them

Five companies have shown an interest in building a pipeline to deliver natural gas from the North Slope under the terms of Governor Palin's Alaska Gasline Inducement Act (AGIA). However, some major players are...

Kott lawyer seeks 3-year prison max; maintains innocence

A lawyer for convicted former-lawmaker Pete Kott is asking a judge to sentence his client to roughly three years in prison, about 1/3 of what the prosecution requested. Kott was convicted in September on...

Governor's healthcare strategies summit kicks off in Anchorage

Health care professionals gathered Monday in Anchorage for the Alaska Health Summit. Governor Palin established the council last February to develop a health care action plan for Alaska. Today members of the Health Care...

Wind power coming to Savoonga in 2008, other villages soon after

The village of Savoonga on St. Lawrence Island should be getting wind turbines by next year, Gambell is not far behind and other rural Alaskan communities are in the works as well. Alaska Village Electric...

Alaskan Christmas tree business may boom with market and climate changes

Changing climate and consumer preferences could make Alaska a good place to grow Christmas trees. Bob Wheeler is a forester with the University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service. He says American tree tastes...

Prince of Wales nursery spurs oyster farming

Baby oysters by the handful in southeast Alaska. Click the photo to see three photos from the nursery. Photo by Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska - Juneau Alaska shellfish farmers are getting a boost from a small...

Doctor survives surprise bear attack on Admiralty Island

A Juneau physician is recovering from a broken bone in his left hand and other wounds after being attacked by a brown bear on an Admiralty Island beach Friday morning. Rosemarie Alexander, KTOO - Juneau