AKPM Staff

AKPM Staff

Alaska News Nightly: March 10, 2009

Individual news stories are posted in the Alaska News category and you can subscribe to APRN's news feeds via e-mail, podcast and RSS. Download Audio (MP3, 30 min) Cowdery sentenced to 6 months home confinement Dave...

Talk of Alaska: University of Alaska Anchorage

Alaskans expect a lot from their University. Among other things, it's supposed to help us understand ourselves and our world, prepare Alaska's future workforce, and provide a research base for a sustainable future. How...

Iditarod Morning: March 10, 2009

Iditarod leaders made for Nikolai with Sebastian Schnuelle in front this morning. Yukoners Schnuelle and Hugh Neff are leading up the race in these early days and reporter Annie Feidt caught up with Neff...

Exxon ‘Valdez’ Captain Hazelwood to Alaska: I’m sorry

Twenty years after the Exxon Valdez disaster, the ship's captain is apologizing to Alaska. In a new book -- The Spill: Personal Stories From the Exxon 'Valdez' Disaster -- Joe Hazelwood says, "I would...

Homer art gallery hosts ‘Valdez’ anniversary exhibit

A giant rosary made of gillnet floats, a sea-foam green dress that looks like it’s been splotched with oil and a pirate flag adorned with a middle finger and the word Exxon down...

Schnuelle first out of Rainy Pass in tight Iditarod leader pack

Two-time defending Iditarod champion Lance Mackey led the way into the Rainy Pass checkpoint at 11:34 this morning. Norwegian Bjornar Anderson followed more than an hour behind. Ramey Smyth, Aliy Zirkle, Hans Gatt and...

Oceans summit addresses Arctic melting

Hundreds of environmentalists and advocates for the oceans are gathered in Washington, DC this week at the Blue Vision Summit -- a conference focused on the future health of the world’s seas. Some of...

Alaska releases grants to southeast power projects

Energy grants recently approved by the Alaska Legislature will advance about 15 southeast Alaska power projects. They include power lines, hydro plants and heat pumps from Metlakatla to Yakutat. Dave Donaldson, APRN - Juneau Download Audio...

State operating budget may get votes by Friday

The Alaska House finance committee is getting a State operating budget ready for floor debate and a vote by the end of the week. Today members opened consideration of amendments from the results...

Ninth Circuit rescinds decision against Beaufort and Chukchi oil exploration

Last November, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals concluded the federal Minerals Management Service (MMS) improperly granted oil company Shell permission for exploratory drilling in the Beaufort Sea. But this past Friday, the...

Fort Richardson soldier dies in Afghanistan

An infantryman from Fort Richardson was killed in Afghanistan Sunday morning (Afghanistan time). Private First Class Patrick A. Devoe, II, 27, from Auburn, NY died from injuries sustained when an improvised bomb hit the...

Electric low-speed cars may be approved for smaller Alaska towns

The Alaska Senate transportation committee has signed off on a bill that would allow the operation of low-speed electric vehicles in some Alaskan communities. Robert Woolsey, KCAW - Sitka Download Audio (MP3)

Alaska News Nightly: March 9, 2009

Exxon Valdez captain Joe Hazelwood is apologizing to Alaska. He reluctantly granted an interview on the incident for a new book marking the 20th anniversary of the spill. Plus, two-time defending champion Lance Mackey...

Iditarod Morning: March 9, 2009

Iditarod teams hit the Skwentna checkpoint last night just after 9:00 p.m. In our first morning update, reporter David Shurtleff catches up with mushers Mackey, King, Schnuelle, Burmeister and Rogers at the race restart...

Former Don Young aide indicted

A grand jury has indicted Fraser Verrusio, one of  Don Young's former congressional staffers, on corruption charges for taking a free trip to the 2003 World Series. Associated Press, Anchorage Download Audio

FERC takes an interest in in-state gas line

State legislators attending the Energy Council in Washington DC say they were surprised to hear that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is taking a heightened awareness in what they had considered Alaska-only issues.  In...

Alaska Delegation takes aim and new bypass mail increase

Alaska’s Congressional Delegation is warning that the upcoming increase on postal rates will have devastating consequences in Rural Alaska.  Parcel post rates are going up across the country on May 11th.   That increase will...

US Interior Secretary Salazar to visit Alaska in April

US Interior Secretary Ken Salazar says he’ll visit Alaska next month, but only the state’s biggest city.  The Interior Department is holding hearings in four states on off-shore oil and gas development.  One will...

Anchorage gets mixed reviews on “quality of life”

Thanks to tourist promotions, most Anchorage residents are aware they are living a "big, wild life."  But how does the city fare in an assessment of "quality of life" indicators?  A study released yesterday...

State unemployment rose 1% in January

Across the state, Alaska's unemployment rate reached 7.9% in January, slightly higher than the national rate for the same month.  The Alaska rate is more than a percentage point higher than December.  State Labor...