AKPM Staff

AKPM Staff

New report identifies Alaska's biggest polluters

A new Department of Environmental Conservation study of greenhouse gas emissions says Alaskans pour nearly 60 million tons of heat-trapping gases into the sky each year.  And for the first time, the state’s biggest...

Seavy wins sloppy Kusko 300

Mitch Seavy of Seward won the Kuskokwim 300 Sled Dog race in Bethel last night.  The race course, which runs up, and then back down, the Kuskokwim River deteriorated over the weekend as warm...

Canada's First Nation says mine project must negotiate

In Canada, the Little Salmon Carmacks First Nation is demanding benefits from the proposed Carmacks Copper project. Chief Eddy Skookum says the mining company needs to negotiate an agreement with his government. Vic Istchenko, CBC...

Alaska News Nightly: January 21, 2008

The Legislature picks up the pace. Also, a fuel shipment to Nikolski is aborted under high winds, and the Priblilof Islands struggle economically . Those stories and more on tonight's Alaska News Nightly, broadcast...

AK: Wolves

This week on AK we come face-to-face with Wolves. We'll go behind the scenes at an organization raising awareness about wolves, take a look at predator control, and learn the legend of Hairy Man....

Alaska Senate revamps leadership structure

The Senate today reorganized its leadership structure following Anchorage Republican John Cowdery’s resignation as Chairman of the powerful Rules Committee. Cowdery has been ill and his return to the capitol has been delayed. In...

Senate Task Force grapples with village public safety issues

The Senate Task Force looking into improving the state’s Village Public Safety Commission took its hearings to the capitol today. The task force is considering actions that would increase the number of communities with...

Nikolski struggles with fuel crisis

The Aleutian village of Nikolski has been hovering on the edge of a fuel crisis for months. For the second year in a row, the shipment of fuel that Delta Western Fuels was supposed...

More cuts for Southeast halibut fishery

Southeast Alaska halibut fishermen will see a big cut to their catch this year. The International Pacific Halibut Commission this week went with its staff recommendations for a 27 percent reduction in the regions...

Military flights in Fairbanks give some the jitters

Military operations over Fairbanks this week concerned some locals, as Fort Wainwright helicopters flew over downtown to practice urban scouting. Libby Casey, KUAC - Fairbanks

ACVB plans to build on big, wild year

The final numbers are not yet in, but Anchorage's visitor industry enjoyed a fine year in 2007.  And according to the Anchorage Convention and Visitors Bureau, 2008 will likely build on that success. Len Anderson, KSKA...

The 39th ALCAN 200 snow machine race begins tomorrow

The race runs from the Canadian border at 42 mile on the Haines Highway to Dezadeash Lake, and then returns to the border. John Hunt, KHNS - Haines

The day for the Little People

According to Yu’pik tradition, the little people come out today, but who are the little people and what are they up to. Anne Hillman, KDLG - Dillingham

Alaska News Nightly: January 18, 2008

The  Alaska Senate revamps its leadership structure, and takes a look at the problem of village public safety.  Also, the village of Nikolski struggles to get fuel, and the ALCAN 200 snowmachine race is...

Polar bears take center stage in the US House

At a U-S House hearing today, critics of the delay in listing polar bears as threatened were dissatisfied by the answers they heard from Interior Department officials. Some lawmakers are pushing legislation to hold...

Don Young takes stock of his chances for '08

U-S Representative Don Young says he feels good about the way his re-election effort is going, even though he's facing his most serious challenge in years. He's vulnerable because of federal investigations into whether...

2 bills propose significant change to education funding formula

The first hearings are now on the schedule for two bills the House and Senate Task Force on Education produced over the summer. They make major changes to the essential elements of the education...

Army Alaska commander looks to the future

Major General Stephen Layfield, the commanding general of all Army-Alaska met with members of the media this morning at Fort Richardson. General Layfield mostly spoke about the coming expansions of both Fort Rich and...

Fairbanks Vietnam vet receives high military honor

A Fairbanks man was awarded the Silver Star yesterday, one of the military’s highest honors.  Andy Wescott got the commendation 40 years after he earned it on the battlefield of Vietnam. Libby Casey, KUAC -...

School loses fuel to theft

State troopers in Haines are investigating an apparent case of stolen fuel from the Mosquito Lake School. John Hunt, KHNS - Haines