AKPM Staff

AKPM Staff

New walrus tagging research sheds light on reproductive failure

More details are coming out about the reproductive failure of Walruses in the Chukchi Sea last fall. A few of the animals were tracked by satellite tags as the sea ice pulled back farther...

State considers how to spend cruise ship head tax

The state collected more than $46 million from cruise ship passengers last summer as a result of the Head Tax initiative voters passed in 2006. And now the Department of Revenue is looking for...

Money for new Kodiak missle launch pad said to be in Governor's proposed budget

A representative from the Alaska Aerospace Development Corporation recently told the borough assembly in Kodiak that there is more than 17-million-dollars in the governor’s proposed budget for a new launch pad at Narrow Cape. Jay...

Diesel spill in Selawik

5 to 10 thousand gallons of diesel fuel leaked from a tank earlier this week in the Alaska Native village of Selawik - about 75 miles east of Kotzebue. Dan Bross, KUAC - Fairbanks

Alaska humpbacks are different than those in other parts of the world

In December, the Japanese government agreed not to target humpback whales during its annual whale hunt now under way off Antarctica. Alaska’s humpbacks don’t head that far south – most of them are in...

Alaska News Nightly: January 25, 2008

Today in Alaska news, Alaska's congressional delegation files a brief in support of Exxon Valdez plaintiffs, while Senator Ted Stevens weighs in on the economic stimulus proposal. Meanwhile, the new Tongass management plan...

Congress takes up reform of 19th century mining law

The U-S Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee has begun a series of hearings on how to go about reforming the 1872 Mining Law that applies to hardrock-mining claims and operations on federal lands. Joel...

Legislators coming to grips with shorter session

State Legislators are aware of the ninety-day limit on this year’s session. But there’s some question on when and how they will shift into high gear to finish their work in time. Senators yesterday...

Board of Game to consider "denning" of wolf cubs

The Board of Game will consider allowing the culling of wolf pups pulled from dens.  The proposal is one of several aimed at enabling predator harvest, that goes before the Board at a statewide...

Mayor Begich makes the rounds in Washington

National Democrats are courting Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich to run this year against Senator Ted Stevens, who’s perceived to be vulnerable because of corruption allegations and a federal investigation.  So while attending a US...

Merger to create new Alaskan aviation service

As Frontier Flying Service and Hageland Aviation formally join forces over the coming weeks, they hope to become the largest aviation service based in Alaska. Jacob Buckenmeyer, KNOM - Nome

Flu season comes in like a lamb

The flu season has been slow so far in Alaska.  With winter half-over, only 142 cases have been reported so far.  Nearly 90 percent of those were in the Anchorage area, and only five...

Forest Service cuts staff in Southeast

Forest service offices around southeast Alaska are going through another round of staff cuts. It’s part of a re-organization plan for the Tongass that’s been underway since 2006. Matt Lichtenstein, KFSK - Petersburg

Sitka Tribe of Alaska tightens child protection policies

The Tribal Council passed an ordinance requiring all employees, volunteers, and contractors who have direct interaction with children or the public, to undergo criminal background checks. Melissa Marconi-Wentzel, KCAW - Sitka

Yukon Elk get ticked off

In Canada, the Yukon government has started to hand out free meals to elk in an attempt to kill off an alien invader.  It's an effort to kill off a tick species that's infected...

Third Grader wins subsistence art contest

Third-grader Jack Weaver from Sitka is one of two grand-prize winners of the 2008 Subsistence Student Art Contest - a statewide competition intended to encourage young people to share their subsistence way of life...

Alaska News Nightly: January 24, 2008

Today in Alaska news...Congress takes up reform of 19th century mining law while The Board of Game gets set to discuss the denning of wolf pups.  Meanwhile, Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich goes calling on...

LeDoux Congressional campaign stopped amidst fundraising complaints

Kodiak Republican Gabrielle LeDoux has put her campaign for Congress on hold -- at least the fundraising part of it. Fellow members of the House Majority caucus had complained she was raising money during...

Exxon Valdez plaintiffs file last brief before Supreme Court oral arguments

Yesterday, attorneys submitted a brief to the Supreme Court on behalf of claimants in the Exxon-Valdez punitive damages case. This is the plaintiffs' final document to be filed and their last act in the...

High prices forcing oil consumption cutbacks

High world oil prices are a boon to state coffers, but they're taking a toll on personal budgets. Homeowners and local businesses suffer when fuel is expensive. Libby Casey, KUAC - Fairbanks