AKPM Staff

AKPM Staff

AWAC Presents: Jonathan Huneke

RECORDED: Friday April 16, 2010 SPEAKER: Jonathan Huneke, Vice President of Communications and Public Affairs, United States Council for International Business United States Council for International Business Jonathan Huneke Bio Johnathan Huneke: Slideshow Presentation at AWAC...

AWAC Presents: Patrick Yack

RECORDED: Friday April 10, 2010 SPEAKER: Patrick Yack, Atwood Chair of Journalism at the University of Alaska Anchorage, Vice President of News and Public Media at APTI Atwood Chair of Journalism Alaska Public Radio Network TOPIC: “Why do...

AWAC Presents: Jonathan Adelman

RECORDED: Friday April 2, 2010 SPEAKER: Jonathan Adelman, Professor at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver TOPIC: "The Rise of Israel: A History of a Revolutionary...

AWAC Presents: Barbara Slavin

RECORDED: March 26, 2010 SPEAKER: Barbara Slavin, Former Assistant Managing Editor for the Washington Times, responsible for world and national security news TOPIC: “The Crisis In The U.S. Media And ...

AWAC Presents: Steve LeVine

RECORDED: March 19, 2010 SPEAKER: Steve LeVine, Author and Journalist for Business Week TOPIC: “The Caspian Sea: News From the Uncovered Hinterlands” Steve LeVine's blog About Alaska World Affairs Council Presents is a public service partnership of...

Stage Talk: Directing Anchorage Theater

Dick Reichman has directed a wide array of theatrical productions throughout Anchorage and Alaska for many years. In between rehearsals for the world premiere of his next play, The Big One: A chronicle of...

Mayor announces more cuts

Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan says the city still has a budget shortfall, but new cuts have dropped the previously predicted nine million by over five and half million dollars.   Today (Yesterday) at a press...

Anchorage Chamber: Senator Mark Begich

As members of Congress begin the August recess, intense negotiations for a passable health care reform bill have been temporarily set aside. Like most congressional leaders, U.S. Senator Mark Begich returned home this week...

Cabinet Secretary joins residents to celebrate Mountain View renovation

Yesterday Mountain View hosted a house party of sorts.  The purpose was to celebrate the continuing renovation of one Anchorage's oldest neighborhoods…and what better way to celebrate “progress” than with a demolition and a...

Cowdery sentenced to 6 months home confinement

Former Alaska state senator John Cowdery has been sentenced to six months home confinement and fined $25,000 on federal bribery charges. Cowdery, a former Republican Senator from Anchorage was sentenced today in US District...

Alaska blogger to discuss Alaska corruption scandal on C-SPAN

The sentencing of Cowdery has put Alaskan corruption in the spotlight again. This Sunday,  C-SPAN will air an hour-long interview with an Alaskan blogger who closely followed the Ted Stevens trial last November. Cliff...

Court continues to sort out irregularities in Stevens trial

The Justice Department got back on track in court today in the case of former Senator Ted Stevens. At their last court appearance in February, three attorneys were found in contempt for...

Senator Murkowski injured in ski accident

Senator Lisa Murkowski seriously injured her knee while skiing in Alaska Sunday.  She tore two ligaments and cartilage in her left knee, and is temporarily using a wheelchair.  Murkowski was at Alyeska Ski Resort...

Governor Palin tussles with Democrats over Senate appointment

Juneau is still without representation in the state senate – and it appears Governor Palin is in no hurry to fill the seat recently vacated by Kim Elton. She has until April first to...

Alaska’s only female electrical lineman testifies before US Senate

23-year-old Anchorage resident Deborah Kelly gave her support to unions and a union-backed bill now before Congress.  Kelly is an apprentice in the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, and works for Chugach Electric Association...

Fighting to save Alaska Native languages

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO, recently released an updated atlas of the world’s languages. It allows you to search a map of the world that pinpoints which languages are...

Seismic activity at Mt. Redoubt declines

The Alaska Volcano Observatory has lowered the aviation color code and alert level for Redoubt Volcano, located on the west side of Cook Inlet. After about a month and a half at color code...

Iditarod leaders out of Nikolai

Yukoner Hugh Neff is leading the Iditarod sled dog race. He was the first musher out of the Nikolai checkpoint this afternoon. Aaron Burmeister was close on his heals.  Sebastian Schnuelle was the first...

Mar-Gun clean up going well

The clean up of the Pollack fishing vessel  Mar-Gun is going smoothly. The vessel went aground last week on St George Island.  At the end of the day yesterday, the Coast Guard strike crew...

Board of Game approves new predator control program

The   state's game board has approved new predator control tactics aimed at reducing bear populations in some parts of Southwest and Southcentral Alaska. The new methods include ground snares and the use of...