AKPM Staff

AKPM Staff

Save the whales – again!

Some members of Congress joined conservationists today in urging the Bush Administration not to cave into efforts by Japan, Norway and Iceland to resume commercial whaling. A campaign called Save The Whales Again! is...

Whatcom, Washington withdraws from Thomas Bay hydro project

Officials with Whatcom county, Washington are pulling out of the permitting process for proposed hydro-electric facilities in Thomas bay, near Petersburg. A private company wants to develop several hydro-plants in the remote bay and...

VPSO task force issues report on village safety

A task force looking into the need for law enforcement in rural communities has finished its report for the state senate. The Village Public Safety Officer or VPSO task force came up with 6...

What price a kidney?

A bill that would allow Nome representative Richard Foster to receive a donated kidney for transplant surgery passed from committee today. The Legislative Ethics Committee determined that the value of a donated kidney is...

Being a boxer in Bethel means a whole lot of travel

You probably wouldn't associate Bethel with boxing-- after all, there are no boxing clubs or gyms in the town. So, for one young Bethel man, being a boxer means flying 400 miles to the...

Alaska News Nightly: January 29, 2008

Tonight in Alaska news... Governor Palin says she would not veto a bill to move legislative sessions to Anchorage.  Also, Former Governor Frank Murkowski is back in the state stumping for a gasline project...

Talk of Alaska: The Future of Islam

Alaska Pacific University and other sponsors have put together a public discussion project called Engaging Muslims and are bringing speakers on Islam to the state to participate. Reza Aslan, author of No God But...

Should Legislature pass Constitutional Amendment for gas tax certainty?

Fairbanks Representative Jay Ramras is looking for industry and government input for a Constitutional Amendment he's sponsored. If approved by the public, the amendment would allow the state to guarantee tax certainty to producers...

Environmental groups seeking MMS documents disclosure

The Center for Biological Diversity and the Natural Resources Defense Council filed a lawsuit in federal court today seeking to force the release of more than 5,000 pages of e-mail and other documents related...

Stevens, Murkowski and Young submit Exxon Valdez amicus brief

Senator Ted Stevens today laid out the groundwork for the amicus brief that was filed in support of the Exxon Valdez oil spill plaintiff's punitive damage award case. The case is before the U.S....

Comments open on proposed Yukon Flats refuge / oil development land exchange

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has released a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for a proposed land exchange in the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge. The public now has 60 days to comment....

Anchorage could host Alaska’s first-ever firefighter combat competition

Anchorage's nationally- and internationally-successful Firefighter Combat Challenge team is used to battling other teams and the clock. But right now, the five-man team from the Anchorage Fire Department faces another foe -- the calendar. Len...

Sitka may oppose 37-year old Native land-transfer process

The Sealaska Corporation is asking Sitka to delay consideration of a resolution opposing Native land selections within the Sitka Community Use Area. A delegation from Sealaska, including state senator Albert Kookesh, took a charter...

Catholic Church reformer speaking in Fairbanks and Anchorage

A national Catholic Church reform leader is visiting Alaska. Sister Christine Schenk is the director of Future Church. She says the Ohio-based coalition is dedicated to stemming a decline in the number of...

Alaska News Nightly: January 28, 2008

Tonight in Alaska news... The Alaska Legislature considers whether to amend the state's Constitution -- to protect oil companies from fluctuating gas taxes. Plus, an environmental lawyer tells us about the battle to acquire...

AK: Adoption

This week on AK we take a look at adopting children overseas and adopting culture right at home. We'll meet a grandmother who's parenting all over again, and a woman who, against all odds,...

Alaska Congressional delegation files brief in support of Exxon Valdez plaintiffs

Senators Ted Stevens and Lisa Murkowski and Congressman Don Young today filed an amicus brief to the US Supreme Court in support of the Exxon Valdez plaintiffs. Joel Southern, APRN - Washington, DC

Senator Stevens weighs in on economic stimulus proposal

Yesterday, the White House and U-S House leaders announced an economic stimulus plan. Senator Ted Stevens gave his evaluation of the proposal today. Joel Southern, APRN - Washington, DC

US economic challenges could harm Yukon Territory mining

International financial markets continue to fluctuate as questions about the U-S economy persist. The instability has raised serious questions about what it will mean for mining in the Yukon. Exploration in the territory has...

New Tongass management plan could open forest to more development

The Tongass National Forest’s new management plan could lead to more logging and mining in Southeast Alaska. But it also sets aside more old-growth forest, wildlife corridors and karst areas for protection. Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska...