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Group Attempting To Recall Rep. Lindsey Holmes
Daysha Eaton, KSKA – Anchorage
Lindsey Holmes, who serves Anchorage District 19 in the State House of Representatives, switched parties just after she was elected last year. A group of voters hoping to recall her is getting ready to submit their application to the division of elections.
Student Loan Rate Hike Pending, Congress Bickers Over Politics
Peter Granitz, APRN – Washington DC
Interest rates for future subsidized Stafford Loans will double July 1 if Congress fails to craft a solution.
There are competing bills – all very similar – but politics is getting in the way. And incoming college freshmen in Alaska are left in the gray.
Judge Scolds Redistricting Board
Alexandra Gutierrez, APRN – Juneau
Last week, a superior court judge scolded the redistricting board, saying that it was unnecessarily holding up the redrawing of the state's political boundaries.
Pavlof Eruption Picks Up Again
Stephanie Joyce, KUCB – Unalaska
After a week-long respite, Pavlof Volcano on the Alaska Peninsula has sent up another ash plume. Pilots flying past the volcano Tuesday morning were the first to spot the cloud, which they estimated at 19,000 feet.
Growing Seal Lion Population Presents Problem In Petersburg
Robbie Feinberg, KFSK – Petersburg
Petersburg’s officials and enforcement officers are cracking down on a growing problem in the borough’s harbor – sea lions. More and more of the creatures have arrived in the harbor, lured by the catch of local sport and commercial fishing fleets. Now the problem has turned dangerous.
NPS Finalizes Land Acquisition Plan For Lake Clark National Park
Ben Matheson, KDLG – Dillingham
The National Park Service is finalizing its strategy for future land acquisitions in and around Lake Clark National Park. The park’s first final Land Protection Plan should be finished in July.
Rofkar: ‘So Many More Discoveries’ To Make
Ed Ronco, KCAW – Sitka
Sitka weaver Teri Rofkar has been named the 2013 Rasmuson Distinguished Artist. The annual award is given by the Rasmuson Foundation to an Alaska artist with a history of accomplishment. It brings with it a $40,000 prize.