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Arctic Imperative Summit

October on Addressing Alaskans listen to a special 4-part series featuring talks from 2nd annual Arctic Imperative Summit hosted by the Alaska Dispatch in Girdwood. As the Arctic sea ice melts back to a new record, representatives from the U.S. Coast Guard, NOAA, Alaska Native Corporations, foreign investment and oil companies, Alaska fisheries, local and international political leaders come together to discuss the many questions facing us regarding what's next in Arctic.

Thursday, October 4 at 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm
"Arctic Shipping: Not If, But How Much?"
Margaret Spring, NOAA; Admiral Thomas Barret, Alyeska Pipeline; Captain Ed Page, Marine Exchange of Alaska

Thursday, October 11 at 2:00 pm & 8:00 pm
"Alaska Fisheries: The Bering Sea and the Arctic" / "An Update on the U.S. Presidential Election"
The Honorable Clem Tillion; Morgan Crow, Coastal Villages Regional Fund / Chris Matthews, MSNBC

Thursday, October 19 at 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm
"The Eskimo and the Oil Man"
Bob Reiss, author & Edward Itta; Former Mayor North Slope Borough

Thursday, October 25 at 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm
"Sustainable Development in the Arctic"
Rear Admiral Thomas Ostebo, U.S. Coast Guard; Charlotte Brower; Mayor North Slope Borough; Edward Crooks, Financial Times.

VIDEO ARCHIVE: Arctic Imperative Summit 2012