2012 Iditarod Twitter #tweetchat

The 2012 Iditarod marks the 40th running of Iditarod on the centennial trail.  The Bureau of Land Management is hosting a Twitter #tweetchat to discuss the 2012 Iditarod National Historic Trail and its centennial.  Musher Dan Seavey and BLM Iditarod National Historic Trail Coordinator Kevin Keeler @BLMAlaska will host the #tweetchat on Friday, Feb. 10, 2012, from 9 – 11 am AKST.

During the #tweetchat, Seavey and Keeler will answer questions about the Iditarod Trail and dog mushing on BLM-Alaska land.  Members of the public are invited to follow the #tweetchat on www.twitter.com/BLMAlaska with the hashtag #iditarodnht2012.  Questions can be submitted to the BLM in advance by email at blmalaska@blm.govor via direct message on Twitter.com/BLMAlaska.

The Iditarod Historic Trail Alliance is sponsoring a “Centennial Musher,” Dan Seavey, to highlight the history of the trail, the importance of the communities along the trail throughout the trail’s history, and the importance of stewardship.  Dan Seavey has been a steward of the Iditarod Trail for many decades.  Dan mushed in the first Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race in 1973, started the Seward Iditarod Trail Blazers over 35 years ago, was a member of the Department of Interior’s Iditarod Trail Advisory Committee, a board member of the Iditarod Trail Committee, Inc., and a board member and past president of the Iditarod Historic Trail Alliance.

Stationed at the Anchorage Field Office, Keeler is BLM’s “trail-ologist” for the National Historic Trail.  Keeler and his BLM colleagues also take on a diverse set of tasks ranging from helping volunteer partner groups develop their capacity to work on the National Historic Trail, helping build safety cabins, clear trail and install markers that make trail use safer, educational and enjoyable.

To learn more about the Iditarod and dog mushing, visit: http://www.blm.gov/ak/st/en/prog/nlcs/iditarod.html.

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