Perseverance Theatre Seeks Actor Housing for Anchorage Production

Perseverance Theatre, Alaska’s largest professional theater company, is bringing The Blue Bear up to share with Anchorage audiences this winter. Right now, they are looking to find housing in Anchorage for artists and staff during their stay for the production. They will have people in Anchorage from the 31st of January through 19th of February.

If you know someone or are someone in Anchorage who might be willing to help house a guest artist, they would love to hear from you. They offer the people who help house people free tickets to the show, recognition in the program and a thank you letter acknowledging the donation of housing.

They are looking for housing for the following people on the following dates:

Takahiro Yamamoto (Actor in Blue Bear) – Jan 31-Feb 19
Hannah Wolf (Stage Manager/Assist. Dir. of Blue Bear) – Jan 31-Feb 19
Leon Ingulsrud (Director of Blue Bear) – Jan 31-Feb 15
Kathleen Harper (Production Manager) – Jan 31-Feb 11
Erik Chadwell (Technical Director) – Feb 2–11
Greg Emetaz (Video Designer) – Feb 5-11
Art Rotch (Artistic Director) – Feb 5-13
Ruth Kostik (Producing Director) – Feb 8-12
Shona Strauser (Artistic Associate, Edu Dir.) – Feb 12-15

Perseverance couldn’t put on the quality theatre we produce without the support we receive from the community!

Find out more about this opportunity, as well as more details about the upcoming Anchorage productions on the Perseverance Theatre Facebook page:

Based on the book of the same title, The Blue Bear follows Lynn Schooler’s tale of finding and losing a close friend. Schooler grows to trust again as he creates an intensely intimate portrait of a remarkable friendship with his client, Japanese wildlife photographer Michio Hoshino. Perseverance Theatre’s performance will combine Schooler’s text with Hoshino’s photographs in a visually stunning production.

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