Conference of Young Alaskans

The Conference of Young Alaskans will draw delegates from across the state to consider the challenges facing Alaska and her people. Together, delegates will develop an overall vision statement, goals and proposed courses of action in five issue areas. COYA delegates represent the voice of Alaska’s next generation of leaders, demonstrating the potential and possibility of Alaskans putting aside their differences to work together for the common good. A major goal is to recreate the atmosphere of unity and cooperation that marked the struggle for statehood. At the same time, conveying to young Alaskans the many aspects of our history that together shape our future is a primary goal of COYA. Delegates also receive a primer on current issues and, together, articulate a path for Alaska’s future. This is a learning opportunity and provides young Alaskans the chance to demonstrate leadership, facilitation, negotiation and strategic planning skills.

Video of the conference will air on 360 North on Wednesday, 1/11, Thursday, 1/12 and Friday, 1/13 starting at 8:00am each day.

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