The agreement means the case will not go to a jury for trial, which was scheduled for this December.
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The state House passed House Joint Resolution 11 on Monday, recognizing Alaska’s close ties with its eastern neighbor. It now heads to the Senate.
It’s part of an experiment called “AWESOME,” which seeks to observe how auroras affect Earth’s upper atmosphere.
The federal government has suspended research funding for some universities for not complying with recent executive orders. That’s left some UAF faculty and students waiting for the other shoe to drop.
The plane was reported missing Sunday, about 12 hours before it was found partially submerged under ice Monday morning.
Troopers say Tucker Challan, 16, was riding Saturday on the backside of Seattle Ridge. Forecasters say he was buried under 10 feet of snow for about an hour.
Commissioner Deena Bishop said the order would not mean a loss of federal education funds for Alaska schools.
A predator-control program in Western Alaska, recently ruled unconstitutional, is needed to boost the ailing Mulchatna caribou herd, state game managers say.
Trump said Boeing had won the contract to build the U.S. Air Force's next generation of fighter jets. Little is known about the jet's specifications, appearance or capabilities.
Ballots have already been mailed out to voters, and Election Day is April 1.
The 2023 report by the Not Invisible Act Commission focused on the disproportionate rates of assault and murder in Indigenous communities.
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