Tommy Beaudreau, a Biden administration official who had Murkowski’s trust, resigns from Interior

Man in suit at a microphone. name plate on desk says "Mr. Tommy P. Beaudreau"
Tommy Beaudreau at his confirmation hearing at the Senate Energy Committee, April 29, 2021. (Still from U.S. Senate video)

Former Alaskan Tommy Beaudreau is stepping down from the No. 2 position at the U.S. Department of Interior.

The deputy secretary of Interior has been a key contact for Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who said she trusted him and appreciated his Alaska roots.

“He grew up in Alaska, he went to an Alaskan High School, his parents were part of the industry that has made Alaska,” she said. “And so there was a certain amount of comfort, knowing that he knew our state.”

Beaudreau’s family moved to Anchorage in 1979 so his father could work in Prudhoe Bay. He graduated from Service High in 1990.

Beaudreau is associated with several major Alaska issues at Interior, including the decision to greenlight Willow, the ConocoPhillips oilfield on the North Slope, and others that worked against resource development.

The Interior department announced his departure Wednesday without citing a reason.

Murkowski figured he’s likely tired.

“These are not easy jobs, and I think he really gave it his all for a couple of years,” she said.

Liz Ruskin is the Washington, D.C., correspondent at Alaska Public Media. Reach her Read more about Lizhere.

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