Planning for the outdoors comes at all levels, both personal and for State Park staff. On the first half of this Outdoor Explorer we'll talk to Ricky Geese, Director of Alaska's Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation, and Zach Babb with the National Park Service's Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance program about the Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan, or "SCORP." This document is in draft form and the state is looking for input from the public. It help sets the state's priorities when it comes to managing state parks for the next five years. It is also full of interesting data about outdoor recreation and tourism. On the second half of the show Rick Roth of Alaska Mountaineering and Hiking discusses the newest outdoor gear in time for the holiday shopping season.
HOST: Paul Twardock
Ricky Geese: Director, Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation
Zachary Babb: Program Manager, Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance (RTCA)
Alaska; NPS
Statewide Outdoor Recreation Plan
Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation
Barneys Sports Chalet
Hoarding Marmot
Play It Again Sports
REI Anchorage
BROADCAST: Thursday, November 17th, 2022. 10:00 am – 11:00 a.m. AKT
REPEAT BROADCAST: Thursday, November 17th, 2022. 8:00 – 9:00 p.m. AKT