Talk of Alaska: How Inflation is Impacting Food Security

(Photo by Emily Kwong/KCAW)

Inflation in the United States is at a 40-year high, driving up the already-inflated prices of food around Alaska. Low salmon runs in parts of the state and wide-scale natural disasters have also affected subsistence living, leaving many Alaskans struggling to feed their families. What is the current state of food insecurity in Alaska, and what resources are available. We’ll talk with folks working to get food to those who need it, on the next Talk of Alaska.

HOST: Lori Townsend


Ron Meehan – Policy and Advocacy Manager, Food Bank of Alaska

Jenn Brown – President, Ketchikan Agricultural Producers Association


Call 907-550-8422 (Anchorage) or 1-800-478-8255 (statewide) during the live broadcast.

Send an email to (Comments may be read on air).

Post your comment during or after the live broadcast on social media (Comments may be read on air).


Find help on the Food Bank of Alaska website

Ketchikan Agricultural Producers Association website

LIVE Broadcast: Tuesday, Nov. 15, at 10 a.m. on Alaska public radio stations statewide.

Lori Townsend is the news director and senior host for Alaska Public Media. You can send her news tips and program ideas for Talk of Alaska and Alaska Insight at or call 907-550-8452.

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