Alaskans have a lot of can-do spirit and a deep sense of connection to Alaska. In this episode of Alaska Insight we explore some of what it means to be an Alaskan in this time of social and political unrest and how we can come together to create an Alaska that is a leader in the nation for equity, health, and wellness. We also share some of the Alaskan contributions to the PBS American Portrait project.
Joining host, Lori Townsend, to talk about how we can achieve these goals for our future is Cheryl Williams, program coordinator with the Alaska Humanities Forum, Andrea Fuatai To’omalatai is a youth teaching fellow with Story Works Alaska, Janelle Everett is the director of recruitment for Ilisagvik College, Les Gara is a former state legislator and Joaqlin Estus is a National Correspondent for Indian Country Today and a longtime Alaska journalist.
RELATED: Read more about the American Portrait project and to submit your own story!