What have you let go of in this past year? What do you love about living and working in Alaska? The PBS American Portrait series invites people to submit videos and narratives on a range of issues, and Alaskans responded. We’ll discuss what it means to be an Alaskan and how we can work to create a future where Alaska is a leader in health, safety and equity for all residents.
HOST: Lori Townsend
- Janelle Everett, Director of Recruitment, Illisagvik College
- Andrea Fuatai To'omalatai, Youth Teaching Fellow, Story Works Alaska
- Joaqlin Estus, National Correspondent, Indian Country Today
Call 550-8422 (Anchorage) or 1-800-478-8255 (statewide) during the live broadcast.
Send an email to talk@alaskapublic.org (Comments may be read on air).
Post your comment during or after the live broadcast on social media (Comments may be read on air).
LIVE Broadcast: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 at 10 a.m. on APRN stations statewide.
LIVE Web stream: Click here to stream.