LISTEN: Weathering budget cuts and COVID-19, the UA System preps for a new school year

The University of Alaska Fairbanks campus. (University of Alaska)

COVID-19 has thrown higher education into turmoil. Fears over in person transmission of the virus means most instruction in Alaska’s University system will be online. State budget cuts, loss of research funds and the sudden departure of the University system president are also challenging education leaders at an already difficult time. What’s the outlook?

HOST: Lori Townsend

  • Cathy Sandeen, Chancellor, University of Alaska Anchorage
  • Pat Pitney, Interim President, University of Alaska System


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LIVE Broadcast: Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. on APRN stations statewide.
LIVE Web stream: Click here to stream.

Lori Townsend

Lori Townsend is the chief editor, senior vice president of journalism and senior host for Alaska Public Media. You can send her news tips and program ideas for Talk of Alaska and Alaska Insight at or call 907-550-8452. Read more about Lori here.

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