Hours after Anchorage Mayor Ethan Berkowitz announced an order requiring people to wear face coverings in indoor, public spaces, including workplaces, on Friday, Alaska Attorney General Kevin Clarkson released a memorandum declaring an exception for State buildings.
“The recent enactment … does not apply to State of Alaska buildings and facilities within the Municipality of Anchorage,” the memo read. “The Governor supports State of Alaska employees that want to voluntarily wear facemasks or face coverings to assist in the mitigation of COVID-19.”
Berkowitz’s original order says employers are responsible for making sure employees wear face coverings while interacting with members of the public and each other, unless they remain six or more feet apart.
Kavitha George is Alaska Public Media’s climate change reporter. Reach her at kgeorge@alaskapublic.org. Read more about Kavithahere.