Northwest Arctic Borough village resident tests positive for COVID-19 in Anchorage

Electron scanning microscope image of SARS-CoV-2 in blue (Image from NIAID)

A resident of a Northwest Arctic Borough village has tested positive for COVID-19. 

According to a statement from Maniilaq Association, the person tested positive in Anchorage. Maniilaq did not provide the name of the village that the resident comes from, but it says the person has not returned to their home community since testing positive. 

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Maniilaq officials say they are not sure if the individual had spent time in their village after being infected. 

Maniilaq Health Center plans on sending workers to the resident’s village today to offer testing, especially to those who may have had contact with the individual. 

This case comes the same week as the first positive case of COVID-19 found in Kotzebue.

This is a developing story.

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Wesley Early is a reporter with Alaska Public Media, covering municipal politics and Anchorage life.

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