Alaska is reopening the economy, but Anchorage protesters took to the streets anyway

OpenAlaska protesters pushing for a speedy opening of the economy gathered outside the Loussac Library in Anchorage on Wednesday, April 22, 2020. (Lex Treinen/Alaska Public Media)

City and state officials announced they were relaxing restrictions on some businesses this week, but hundreds of protesters took to the streets of Anchorage Wednesday anyway for an event meant push lawmakers to speed up the reopening of the economy. 

Vehicles gathered at the Loussac Library around noon before embarking on a pre-planned route through midtown and downtown Anchorage. 

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“We’re all in a bad situation right now, but we all want the best for everybody, but we want our lives to get back to normal,” said Connor Gibbs, who said he’s lost most of his real estate work during the pandemic. 

Horns honked, flags that said “Don’t Tread on Me” waved, and vehicles – mostly pickup trucks – idled, painted with slogans like “Shrink government, open business.” In all, it took about 30 minutes for the vehicles to snake out of the parking lot and make their way onto A Street to begin their route. 

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Both state and local leaders have already announced plans for a phased reopening of Alaska’s economy. State directives allow restaurants, personal care and other businesses to open as soon as Friday. Anchorage will allow those businesses to open on Monday, and is scrambling to develop safety protocols for workers. Despite just a three-day difference between the state and local plans, many attendees say that they don’t think the mayor is listening to the group’s demands.

State Sen. Lora Reinbold (R-Eagle River) takes a break from painting cars with slogans. She said no scientific evidence had shown her that wearing a mask outdoors helps prevent the spread of the virus (Lex Treinen/Alaska Public Media)

“I think the governor has done a good job taking some precautions, but having a mayor that’s having us hunker down in our home, that crosses the line,” said Sen. Lora Reinbold, R-Eagle River. 

In a written reaction to the OpenAlaska protest, Anchorage Mayor Ethan Berkowitz wrote that, “To the extent that their sole goal is to reopen Anchorage, I am supportive (of OpenAlaska) – but on a timeline that minimizes the risk of COVID to the public and to the businesses that call the Municipality home.”

Anxiety about getting back to work was real among protesters, many of whom worked for small businesses around Anchorage. Francis Hubbard sat in a company van with the logo of the commercial cleaning business he works for on the side. He said his employer was also at the rally, and that the shutdowns have been difficult.

“‘When the quarantine first happened, my job dropped dramatically, and most of my stuff, I do commission-based work, so if there’s no work, I’m not even really getting paid,” he said. 

Hubbard said he’s been able to use vacation days and hasn’t filed for unemployment, but it’s been hard on himself and his family. His goals aren’t all that different from the governor’s or mayor’s. 

Cars filled the parking lot of the Loussac Library and snaked out on the side road behind the parking lot (Lex Treinen/Alaska Public Media)

“I know certain places shouldn’t be fully opened up yet, but definitely slowly starting to open things back up so we can get the economy open,” he said. 

There was also an underlying sense among protesters that essential civil liberties were being denied because of the health directives. Taxidermist Roy Whichers said that he sees the coronavirus restrictions as part of a decades-long process. 

Catch up on the latest coverage of the coronavirus and the economy in Alaska 

“The government’s taken one right at a time, and people didn’t notice. If they’d taken all our rights at once, we’d be in a revolution, but no, one little thing at a time and slowly but surely, now we’re here,” he said. 

Many people mentioned what they felt were violations of the constitution by shutting down church services, and interfering with private property by shutting down businesses. Many acknowledged that the emergency curtailment of civil liberties was acceptable, but only in the case of a threat from a foreign adversary, not a deadly pandemic. 

Roy Maines said he is retired, but was supporting friends and family who had lost work (Lex Treinen/Alaska Public Media)

Reinbold didn’t wear a mask or gloves as she passed the stick of car paint to other attendees. She said most politicians aren’t taking into account the fact that all actions carry certain risks. 

“No science has proved to me that you need to wear a mask outside,” she said. 

Reinbold answered questions in between helping other drivers paint slogans on their vehicles. 

“I think that there is a time and a place if we’re in imminent danger of an invasion or something like that,” she said. “This is an invisible enemy. It is real, however, there is lots and lots of risk-benefits in life.”

Lex Treinen

Lex Treinen is covering the state Legislature for Alaska Public Media. Reach him at

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