LISTEN: Putting Native issues out front, Portugal. The Man talks protests, indigenous influence on next album

Zachary Carothers (left) and Eric Howk of Portugal. The Man. (Valerie Kern/Alaska Public Media photo)

Members of the Alaska-raised, Grammy-winning band Portugal. The Man were among those raising their fists in a protest against Gov. Mike Dunleavy at the Alaska Federation of Natives convention in Fairbanks this month.

Separately, AFN recognized Portugal. The Man at the convention for the band’s support of indigenous people and causes, including raising awareness of missing and murdered Native women, by bringing co-founder Zachary Carothers and fellow Alaskan band mates John Gourley and Eric Howk on stage. There was also a special performance by Toksook Bay musician Byron Nicholai of the Portugal. The Man song “Sleep Forever,” in Yup’ik (see below).

In an interview, Carothers told Alaska Public Media’s Casey Grove that acknowledging local Native people, their traditions and their land has become a part of each of the band’s shows, as they have toured all over the world.


Related audio: Byron Nicholai sings Portugal. The Man’s “Sleep Forever” in Yup’ik:

Related story: Portugal. The Man returns home to protest budget vetoes

a portrait of a man outside

Casey Grove is host of Alaska News Nightly, a general assignment reporter and an editor at Alaska Public Media. Reach him Read more about Caseyhere

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