The path to equality requires accurate portrayals of people in media and pop culture. All cultures need a correct reflection of who they are in media. There has been progress, such as the new PBS kids program Molly of Denali, but a lot of work remains. We'll discuss the good, the bad and the 'still needs to be changed' on the next Talk of Alaska.
HOST: Lori Townsend
- Aaron Leggett, Cultural anthropologist, Curator of Alaska History and Culture at Anchorage Museum, President of the Native Village of Eklutna
- Mark Trahant, Editor of Indian Country Today, former Univ. of Alaska Anchorage Atwood Chair of Journalism
- Sophia Metters, Owner, The 49th Degree
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LIVE Broadcast: Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. on APRN stations statewide.
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