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Senate sends budget without dividends to governor
Andrew Kitchenman, KTOO - Juneau
The Alaska Legislature sent a more-than-$4 billion budget to Governor Mike Dunleavy today. It doesn’t include a permanent fund dividend. Lawmakers say dividends will be set by September in a second special session.
Interior says no permit needed to take aerial survey of ANWR
Liz Ruskin, Alaska Public Media - Washington D.C.
The Interior Department did not permit a company to conduct a seismic survey in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge last winter, out of concern the heavy machinery could disturb polar bears. Now, a different company wants to conduct an aerial geophysical survey of the refuge, and the Interior Department says that does not require any permit.
Four more charged in Anchorage teen's murder
Casey Grove, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage
Anchorage police have now charged a total of five young people in the shooting death of 19-year-old Cynthia Hoffman.
Army National Guard sergeant drowns in Copper River
Tim Ellis, KUAC - Fairbanks
A Delta Junction man died over the weekend after he slipped while dipnetting on the banks of the Copper River near Chitina and was swept away by the swift current.
Settlement allows Alaska inmate to wear some religious Native regalia
Tripp Crouse, KNBA - Anchorage
A settlement will allow a descendant of the Cherokee Nation to wear some religious Native regalia while serving time in Alaska.
Anchorage mayor defends city response to illegal homeless camps
Associated Press
In a response to criticism from state lawmakers, Anchorage's mayor is defending the city's actions responding to illegal homeless camps throughout the municipality's greenbelt.
Will a new policing strategy make a dent in Anchorage's crime?
Zachariah Hughes, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage
After years of expanding its ranks, the city's police department is implementing a patrol strategy based on putting officers in the same neighborhoods every day. Is it working?
State labor report shows job gains after 3 years of losses
Associated Press
A state labor department report says recent job gains after three years of losses could signal the end of Alaska's recession.
Military celebrates milestone for radar system under construction at Clear Air Force Station
Tim Ellis, KUAC - Fairbanks
Military and contractor personnel and invited guests celebrated a milestone in the construction of a massive radar facility Tuesday at Clear Air Force Station, near Anderson.
Community remembers Guardian Flight crew lost in January plane crash
Adelyn Baxter, KTOO - Juneau
In an emotional memorial service in Juneau, speakers remembered pilot Patrick Coyle, paramedic Margaret Langston and flight nurse Stacie Morse, who was pregnant with a daughter, Delta Rae.
Tularemia side-effect: Hare population cycle makes pets more susceptible to predators
Tim Ellis, KUAC - Fairbanks
The state Fish and Game Department says tularemia is showing up early this year in snowshoe hares around the Interior and areas south of the Alaska Range.