The Municipality of Anchorage is beginning calculate what all the damage from last month’s earthquake will cost the city. For the last two weeks, inspectors have been assessing damage to public structures and facilities.
That work will continue for months, but city workers have seen enough to come up with an initial estimate.
“Based on what we have seen, it’s an estimate of about $30 million,” said Lance Wilber, Director of the city’s Office of Management and Budget.
Those costs are divided about evenly between three different entities, according to Wilber. Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility sustained about $10 million worth of damage from dozens of broken water-mains. The Solid Waste Services will need about the same amount, primarily for work at the regional landfill in Eagle River. Another $10 million is set for repairs to roads, public buildings and park and recreation facilities.
“We’re going to start off by asking the Assembly for an emergency ordinance for $30 million, and it will be used in those three areas,” Wilber said.
The municipality’s damage assessment doesn’t include the additional money it will take to fix schools, private residences or commercial buildings. Estimates for those are still being tallied locally and by state officials.
The administration’s emergency ordinance goes before the Assembly on Tuesday.
Zachariah Hughes reports on city & state politics, arts & culture, drugs, and military affairs in Anchorage and South Central Alaska.
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